by maryadkins Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:46 pm
Great breakdown. Let me just add a bit.
P1: False dichotomy is introduced as applied to one novelist. There is a false dichotomy between enjoyable novels being low-brow and high-brow novels being dull. PD James' critics fall for this fallacy.
P2: Elaboration on critics of novelist who fall for the false dichotomy. Some praise her, some find her pretentious and tiresome.
P3: Author's opinion of the novelist. There are problems with her writing, but also good things.
P4: Author's analysis of novelist and a recommendation. Time for her to step out of the genre and write mainstream work.
PD James is a genre writer and she is getting beyond herself
-Some critics
PD James should step out of the genre stifling her
This is a tough scale to come up with I think because after the first paragraph we THINK the scale is going to be the author against this false dichotomy. But turns out, it's a bit more than that. The author goes so far as to say, critics are wrong, but she is currently a genre writer, and it's time for her to step out of that box.