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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 8
Joined: June 28th, 2020

Passage Discussion

by NickS909 Wed May 19, 2021 9:52 pm

Heres my take on Subduction and Earthquakes passage(found it pretty interesting):

P1- Plate tectonics and subduction paradox

Subduction happens when plates collide and one goes under the other and merges with the mantle. This causes energy build up -> earthquakes
Until recently we could not explain why some areas with high levels of subduction have no earthquakes

P2- an Explanation

Scientists explain this phenomenon of “quiet zones” by plates moving in same direction
Plates moving in same general direction = lower energy, less earthquakes = quiet zone (they explain how this works here)
Plates moving toward each other(head on) = high friction, high energy, earthquakes (hot zones) (they explain how this works here)

P3- PWarning: previously chill zones w/ little subduction might be at risk of earthquakes in future depending which kind of subduction occurs.

Author: Buys into the science and explanation, rather neutral tone but never goes against the explanation and presents it as a credible new explanation for this phenomenon.
Scale: Informative mostly, not much of an argument, new explanation for previously not understood thing provided.

interesting tid bit: I read this passage during blind review as a giant fleshed out explain the paradox/result LR question. the first paragraph is like the stimulus and stem of an LR question and then the rest of the passage the author fleshes out the correct answer choice to resolve the paradox in a few paragraphs and wraps it up with a disclaimer of sorts.