I found this passage tricky!
1st Paragraph: What physicists originally thought: the universe was tiny, hot and dense. After the Big Bang, it expands and cools.
2st Paragraph: BUT Carroll and Chen thinks the Big Bang was not a unique event. There's actually a multiverse!
3rd Paragraph: (I found this paragraph confusing! I understand the concept, I think.) The second law of thermodynamics illustrates why time flows in one direction: it's more likely for a system to go from orderly to disorderly (ie with increasing entropy). (But I don't see how this fits with the rest of the passage? I guess that's why I missed Q23 as well)
4th Paragraph: Carroll and Chen argues that the most common initial condition is actually likely to resemble cold, empty space (which will likely not generate any universe?)
(but the initial condition for our UNIVERSE was still a small, hot, and dense (low entropy) configuration?)
5th Paragraph: our universe occurred from flactuations in an otherwise cold and empty (high entropy) multiverse
6th Paragraph: Because the multiverse is so immense, anything is possible! And it might even happen more than once!
I think I didn't do well on the passage because I didn't fully grasp the concept of entropy. I just intuitively thought "oh entropy=disorder, okay then hot and dense must mean more disorder, and cold and empty must mean less disorder." But it's actually the other way around right?
Patrick, please help!!