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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 6
Joined: October 17th, 2012

Need Help with Tackling Science Passages!

by allison.cho77 Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:26 am


Although I said 'science passages' in the title, my question is more broadly related to managing passages that I am completely unfamiliar with. When I encounter such passages, my mind gets blank or, I end up retaining barely any details because I am unfamiliar with the topic/jargon and spending too much time in the questions (on top of spending too much in reading the passage). Even when I remember where to locate the details, it takes too much time either because I still have to search within the paragraph or have to re-read to understand again :(

As a possible solution (I haven't tried yet but I will), I was thinking about the following method, at least when I read those science or detail-oriented passages: Reading one or two paragraphs and then going to questions to see if I can solve any, going back to reading next passages and then looking at the questions to see if I can solve any (based on what I read so far), and so on. How does it sound? And could you give any advice for me? Thanks in advance!:)
LSAT on Brain
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 11
Joined: October 28th, 2012

Re: Need Help with Tackling Science Passages!

by LSAT on Brain Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:56 am

I read a little slower, pause at the end of very paragraph and ask myself what did I just read?

Don't try and get every detail - go for the concept
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 10
Joined: July 09th, 2012

Re: Need Help with Tackling Science Passages!

by shehadehr Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:55 pm

i feel like an issue id have with that method is, for example, when facing questions that require us to know what the overall passage is saying, its main point etc, you'd have to leave those questions till the very end (that way you have read all the paragraphs by then), which would work, but i think it might be a little risky.

Im in the same boat as you, and when I face certain passages that concern a subject im not familiar with my brain literally says, "wow, I'm over this and I'm not going to even help you in the slightest." It sucks, because then I have to really grapple with my mind to just focus hard and beast through it. So, that's what ive actually done. You should try it :twisted: As soon as you encounter a passage that is terribly dense with a subject you neither care about nor have any familiarity with, do the following: tell yourself that it doesnt matter whether you are familiar/fond/or interested in what you're about to read, you're going to read it, critically, like a lawyer, you're not going to love it but you'll bang it out cuz you have to, and at the end of each paragraph pause and tell yourself briefly what was just talked about, then keep moving forward. After you finish the entire passage, immediately move to the questions, hit them hard, and dominate each one :mrgreen: