by noah Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:46 am
Good question. There's probably some different opinions on this, but I'll say that it's going to be hard to master each game before moving to the next one. The important goal is to master the basics of a game -- and a big part of that will be re-playing basic games until they become truly basic to you -- and then practice your strategy on games that throw in unexpected twists. Building up that flexibility is actually a long process and is not completely related to any specific game but more about lots of experience and trial and error.
So, master the basics of a game type for any one game type (you can use the games at the beginning and end of each chapter as a litmus test), do some variations -- probably struggle -- and then as you continue to hone that first game type, move on to the basics of the next one.
Though, as we're often saying here, if something else works for you, go for it.
I hope that helps, and keep asking away . . .