~ means not,
v means or,
^ means and
The rules:
At least two people must attend the game:
IN >/= 2Ron and Tim cannot attend the game together:
[R/T]inBut even better:
R "”> ~T and
T "”> ~R.
If Paul attend the game, so does Tim:
P "”> T and
~T "”> ~P.
If Ron does not attend the game, neither does Vanessa:
~R "”> ~V and
V "”> R.
If Wanda or Tim attend the game, they attend together:
W "”> (W ^ T) and
T "”> (W ^ T).
(W v T) "”> (W ^ T)
~(W ^ T) "”> ~(W v T)
(~W v ~T) "”> (~W ^ ~T)You could probably figure this out without all the logical steps and save a lot of time, but we know that T and W are either in together or out together.
T <"”> W or
T o"”o W.
Sammy attends the game if, and only if, Quita does not attend:
S <"”> ~Q or
S o"”o ~Q.
S "”> ~Q and
Q "”> ~Sand
~S "”> ~Q and
~Q "”> S.
Connecting inferences:

The best way to do this is with a diagram, but in case my picture doesn’t upload, I’ll connect them a bit in text.
R "”> ~T and
T "”> ~R~R "”> ~V and
V "”> RP "”> T and
~T "”> ~PS o"”o ~QT o"”o W P "”> T "”> [W and (~R "”> ~V)]V "”> R "”> ~T "”> (~P and ~W)1. Which of the following would be a complete and accurate list of students who attend the game?(A) Quita, Ron, Sammy, VanessaWe know right off the bat that Quita and Sammy can’t be together because of the rule S o"”o ~Q.
(B) Paul, Sammy, TimIf Paul is in, Tim is in because P "”> T. That’s good. But if Tim is in, Wanda is in because T o"”o W. Nope.
(C) Ron, Tim, VanessaIf Ron is in, Tim is out because R "”> ~T. Nope.
(D) Quita, Tim, WandaIf Quita is in, Sammy is out because Q o"”o ~S. If Tim is in, Ron is out and Vanessa is out because T "”> ~R "”> ~V. And Wanda is in because T o"”o W. Looks good. We don’t have any inferences that begin with ~P, so Paul can be out.
(E) Wanda, Sammy, PaulIf Wanda is in, Tim is in because T o"”o W. Nope.
2. If Wanda does not attend the game, which of the following must be true?Before looking at the answers, we know for sure ~W "”> ~T "”> ~P.
So we have OUT: W, T, P, S/Q. We have to have at least two IN. So we could have IN: R, S/Q or IN: V, R, S/Q but we can’t have IN: V, S/Q because V "”> R.
(A) Ron does not attend the game.This is definitely impossible.
(B) Vanessa does not attend the game.This could be true, but we’re looking for MUST BE TRUE.
(C) Ron and Vanessa do not both attend the game.This would leave us with only one IN, and we can’t have that.
(D) Either Ron or Vanessa attend the game.This wording tricky because of the V "”> R rule. But know that Ron or both Ron and Vanessa have to be in, so this is the right answer.
(E) Either Ron or Vanessa, but not both, attend the game.We know Ron has to be in, so this isn’t true.
3. Which of the following could be true?
(A) Both Vanessa and Paul attend the game.This can’t be true because P "”> T "”> ~R "”> ~V or V "”> R "”> ~T "”> ~P. A picture makes this problem a lot easier!
(B) Both Vanessa and Wanda attend the game.This can’t be true because V "”> R "”> ~T "”> ~W or W "”> T "”> ~R "”> ~V.
(C) Neither Ron nor Tim attends the game.This answer is super tempting! I almost immediately went for it because it seems to be testing whether you recognize that R "”> ~T and T "”> ~R allow for ~R and ~T. But ~R "”> ~V and ~T "”> ~P and ~W. This leaves us with OUT: R, T, V, P, W. So IN: S, Q, which breaks the rule S o"”o ~Q.
(D) Neither Sammy nor Quita attends the game. This can’t be true because S o"”o ~Q.
(E) Neither Paul nor Ron attends the game.~P doesn’t give us anything. ~R "”> ~V. So we have OUT: P, R, V, S/Q and to keep the two IN rule, IN: S/Q, T, W. Yes.
4. What is the minimum number of students who do not attend the game? We can take this one straight from the rules. We know at least one has to be out because S o"”o ~Q. How about two? If T or W is OUT, then they both are. So it makes sense to try leaving them in. But that gives us T "”> ~R "”> ~V. That leaves three out with S/Q. And we’d have IN: W, P, T, S/Q. But if T or W were out, we’d have ~W and ~S/Q and ~T "”> ~P. That’s four out. Three is our answer.
(B) 35. If Tim attends the game, which of the following could be true.
First, T"”> W and T "”> ~R "”> ~V.(A) Quita does not attend the game but Ron does.We don’t immediately know about Quita, but Ron definitely doesn’t. Nope.
(B) Sammy does not attend the game but Vanessa does.Again, we don’t know about Sammy, but Vanessa definitely doesn’t. No.
(C) Neither Quita nor Sammy attends the game.We know at least one of them does because S o"”o ~Q. No.
(D) Neither Quita nor Paul attends the game.So we’d have IN: T, W, S and OUT: R, V, Q, P. Looks good.
(E) Exactly five students attend the game.We know from the last problem that at least three have to be out, which leaves a maximum of four in. No.
6. If the condition that requires that at least two students attend the game is replaced by a condition that requires that exactly three students attend the game, how many combinations of students attending the game are possible?Don’t forget the "exactly!"
We know for sure that IN: S/Q and OUT: S/Q. That leaves us with at least two options.
Then I tried moving around the [T W] block. We could have IN: S/Q, T, W and OUT: S/Q, P, R, V. Or if [T W] are out, the only option is OUT: S/Q, T, W, P, leaving IN: S/Q, R, V. So that leaves us with four combinations.
(C) 47. Which of the following, if substituted for the condition that Paul attends the game, so does Tim, would have the same effect in determining who can attend the game together?First, the rule we’re trying to replace is P "”> T.
(A) Either Paul and Wanda attend the game together or neither attends.This gives us (P ^ W) or (~P ^ ~W). With our rule P "”> T "”> W, we could have T ^ W and ~P, so this doesn’t work.
(B) Wanda does not attend the game only if Paul does not attend the game.This gives us ~W "”> ~P. Since P "”> T "”> W, we know ~W "”> ~T "”> ~P, so ~W "”> ~P. This one looks good.
(C) Tim does not attend the game if Paul does not attend the game.This gives ~P "”> ~T, and we can’t infer that from P "”> T.
(D) Paul cannot attend the game unless Vanessa does not attend. So ~P "”> ~V. But with our original rule, we could definitely have ~P and V. No.
(E) If Paul attends the game, then at most four students attend the game.This is true, because P "”> T "”> ~R "”> ~V. So IN: S/Q, P, T, W and OUT: S/Q, R, V. But without P "”> T, we couldn’t be sure which were in and which were out, so this isn’t the answer.