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Logic Game Challenge #1: Explanations

by timmydoeslsat Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:23 pm

Game: http://www.manhattanlsat.com/Logic_C_vi ... ChallID=31

Set up:



A single valid hypothetical lineup question.

A) Violates rule 3
B) Violates rule 1
C) Correct Answer
D) Violates rule 2
E) Violates rule 4


A global must be false question. Ability to read the global diagram is critical on sequencing games. Hint: If there is not a line after a variable, the variable could be last. If there is not a line before a variable, the variable could be first. It is a prudent idea to always consider how many variables come before and after a variable.

E) This is the obvious answer with our diagram


Local question asking for a partial lineup if L is 4th.


Notice that 3 elements must follow L. We must have the P-F sequence with O being a floater in this 5-7 area.

So what will occupy the first 3 slots? Since O will be in the 5-7 area, this means that M is free to float in the 1-3 area. We also have to maintain the K-J sequence in this area.

Answer choice E is the only answer choice that could be true based on this diagram.


A local question asking what must be false if we have either O_F or F_O.

The first thing we notice is that each situation will have each respective piece be the tail-end of the sequence. F and O are the only two variables that could possibly go last.


The first situation of the O_F ending block will force M to be a floater in slots 1-4, as its only rule is that it comes prior to O.

We now have K-J-P (and L before P). This means all variables precede P. This forces P into slot 6. L is now a floater in spots 1-4 along with M. This is due to the fact that the only rule governing L is that it comes prior to P. We also know that K-J is a sequence that must be followed in the 1-4 area.

The second situation of F_O has this block go at the end of course.

We know that there are now four spots prior to F. We also know that exactly four variables must come prior to F. The sequence of those four variables can be found on the global diagram: K-J-P (L is also before P). We can now infer that M must go sixth as that is the only variable left that can fill this slot.

This means that all non-placed variables come before P, which means P must go in slot four due to no other variable being able to go there as to place another variable besides P would cause P to follow with no place to go.

We now have K-J and L as a floater in spots 1-3.

Answer choice C must be false as to have M first will bring us to the second scenario, which necessitates O being 5th, and this answer choice has it going 7th.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Logic Game Challenge #1: Explanations

by ohthatpatrick Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:33 pm

Just dreamy. Amazing work, as always.

My only critique: open those images in Photoshop and hit AutoContrast! :)