Link to the challenge
Initially, we have lots of "if, then" rules and even then, most of the hypothetical results speak of the relative positions of letters and don’t concretely snap anything into place. We have only one unconditional rule: G is not last. The key to this is thorough primary deductions. Once you’ve decoded what the rules are hinting at, this seemingly fluid game crystallizes into something relatively easy, and the questions can be rapidly answered like clockwork.
Obviously, we can symbolize our rules initially. Arrow is "if, then," dash is "is before," and tilde is "not." I like to number my rules because it makes them easier to refer to.
1) The screenwriter will meet with K before G if he meets with F before J.
Careful! The "if" aspect of this statement refers to the second half. It’s tempting, if you’re too rushed, to write this "K"”G"”>F"”J," but that would be incorrect. Understand what this rule really says:
1) F"”J"”>K"”G
If you’re having trouble telling whether a rule makes sense, insert words in the phrase to make the relationship clearer to yourself. Mammal, if dog is equivalent to "If dog, then mammal." I like to use animals because the relationships are clear and it’s easy to imagine counterscenarios. (For example, mammal"”>dog is false because a cat is a mammal but not a dog.)
On to rule 2...
2) The screenwriter will meet with G before H only if he meets with I before J.
This is, again, very, VERY sneaky. My compliments to the clever writer! "A only if B" means, essentially, "If not B, then not A," which is the contrapositive of "If A then B." Since we just did a rule that had "if" in the second half, it’s tempting to flip this one as well, but it is actually:
2) G"”H"”>I"”J
On to rule 3...
3) The screenwriter will meet with F before I if, and only if, he meets with F after J.
"If and only if" is classically symbolized with a "triple bar" in symbolic logic. This essentially means that the "if, then" relationship goes both ways. I will note both in my symbolization:
3) a. F"”I"”>J"”F
Again, be careful. Most of these rules read "before," so it’s tempting to write "F"”J," but the clever writer snuck in "after" in the third rule to make sure you’re paying attention!
3) b. J"”F"”>F"”I
4) The screenwriter cannot meet with G last.
4) G =/= 6
I go ahead and write ~G in my diagram to remind me of this:
So far, we don’t know much besides that. So let’s try and make some deductions from these rules.
First of all, let’s derive the contrapositive of each. If you didn’t know, the contrapositive of any "p"”>q" is "~q"”>~p". So for rule #1, we know:
What good does that do us? Well, the great thing that this is a simple, one-at-a-time order game. No two elements can go at the same time. Thus, if K isn’t before G, and K can’t be with G, K must be after G.
So, essentially, the contrapositive for each of these rules involves flipping the elements AND the order within those elements, and we don’t have to worry about "not."
So, here are the rules with their corresponding contrapositives:
1) F"”J"”>K"”G
1C) G"”K"”>J"”F
2) G"”H"”>I"”J
2C) J"”I"”>H"”G
3) a. F"”I"”>J"”F
3) ac. F"”J"”>I"”F
3) b. J"”F"”>F"”I
3) bc. I"”F"”>F"”J
Note that, for rule #3, the element "F" is in common to both the antecedent ("if" part) and the consequent ("then" part). Thus we could extend the chain for each consequent to include both elements:
3) a. F"”I"”>J"”F"”I
3) ac. F"”J"”>I"”F"”J
3) b. J"”F"”>J"”F"”I
3) bc. I"”F"”>I"”F"”J
Now, since two components can’t go at the same time, it logically follows that F will be either before or after I.
(F"”I) v (I"”F)
The same applies to F and J.
(F"”J) v (J"”F)
That little "v" symbol is symbolic logic for "either, or," but if it’s easier for you just imagine it’s a slash "/" mark.
We can do a constructive dilemma here and logically conclude, from either of these new premises, that we have only two possible scenarios:
(J"”F"”I) v (I"”F"”J)
So, essentially, we’ve established that F must be between I and J. If we know the relative position of two components, we can determine the relative position of the third. There’s something concrete for us to work with! Isn’t that a relief?
But it gets even better when we synthesize this with rules 1 and 2. Remember the contrapositive of rule 1:
We now know that J"”F means J"”F"”I, so we can add to this:
Similarly, we can add to rule 2:
Here we can clearly see that both K and H cannot be after G! Why? Because it would lead to a contradiction about the relative positions of I, F, & J! Thus, either H or K (possibly both) must be before G!
If both H and K are before G, then we still know is that F must be between I and J. But if either H or K comes after G, it determines the relative order of I and J! Thus, we have three master scenarios:
H&K before G, F between I&J
(*I would symbolize this much better on paper than in text)
Now we have a pretty clear idea will work, and what won’t! From here, the questions are MUCH easier to answer!
1) For B, G is last, so we can cross this off right away. For both C and E, G is before both H&K, which is impossible, so we can eliminate both. For D, F is after both I and J, so this scenario is impossible. The only option left is A; it’s correct. You can double-check if you like to make sure it complies with the rules. But perfect accuracy is useless if it takes all day, so I’d only go back and confirm if I had tons of extra time and nothing to do with it.
2) Obviously G cannot be first; it would have to be before both H&K, which we know is impossible. Thus the answer is E.
3) If I is 2nd, we must have an I"”F"”J scenario, since there’s not enough room before I for a J"”F"”I scenario. Thus K must be before G. Since F must be before J, F cannot be last. Since K must be before G, K cannot be last. G also cannot be last because the last rule prohibits it. I obviously can’t be last if I is 2nd. Therefore, only J or H can be last; D is the answer.
4) If K is first and H is last, we must have an I"”F"”J scenario. We have 4 open spaces and only 1 free agent: G. Wherever G goes determines where the other three must go. Thus, we have only 4 possible arrangements: G 2nd, G 3rd, G 4th, and G 5th. So C is the answer.
5) If K is 5th we cannot have a K"”G"”H scenario. G can’t be last so H&K can’t both be before G, either. Thus we have H"”G"”K, and thus J"”F"”I. Since we know that H is before G, it must be false that G is before H, so B is the answer.
6) The key to finding the most restrictive scenario is to find a pair that determines the relative positions of two elements that are components of one of our chains. Only D, G&H, does this. It’s our best bet, but let’s test it just to be sure. If G is 2nd and H is 3rd, we have K"”G"”H. Thus we know K must go first. Since we have K"”G"”H, we must have I"”F"”J, which go in spaces 4, 5, & 6, respectively. Thus, D is the answer.