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Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by trasper Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:04 pm

I got...


It was pretty rough... What did everyone else get?

I'll try to explain... however, if I'm wrong on any answer then obviously ignore my explanation...

Things we can deduce below...
F must been Week 4 and must be either 8 or 10 researchers
Week 2 must have 10 researchers
Week 3 must have 12 researchers
Week 1 must have either 8 or 10 researchers

C & E are not possible because the violate the rule that F must be in week 4.
D is not possible because it violates the rule that F must have more weeks that H.
A is not possible because of the following:
- Since F must have less researchers than H, so F cannot have 12 researchers.
- Since Week 3 must have more researches than Weeks 1 and 2, Weeks 1 and 2 cannot have 12 researchers. Another rule states that week 2 cannot have 8 researches, so by default, week 2 has 10 researchers. If week 3 must have more than 1 and 2, week 3 then has to have 12 researchers.
- Since Week 3 has 12 researchers, and F cannot have 12 researchers, Week 3 cannot be F, which rules out answer A.
B is therefore the only remaining answer and must be correct.

From question 1, we know that week 1 cannot have 12 researchers. If Week 1 must have more than Week 5, and Week 1 can only have 8 or 10 researchers, it's obvious then that Week 1 needs to be 10 and Week 5 needs to be 8.

From question 1, knowing that week 2 must also have 10 researchers, Week 1 and Week 2 will be the same projects.

We know that F can only be 8 or 10 researchers, so therefore, as the only questionable spot, there are only 2 options (8 or 10). Answer A would be the correct answer.

If project F has 10, then we know that week 4 is 10 researchers. Also, since week 2 has 10 researchers, it also must be project F. And since H must have more researchers than F, H must be 12, and therefore Week 3.

It's important to also note that H can only be assigned to 1 week (since it must be less than the total weeks to which F is assigned).

A is not possible because it has assigned F to week 3.
B is not possible because it has H assigned to Week 2.
C is not possible because we know H has 12 researchers and we learned in question 1 that Week 1 cannot have 12 researchers. So C is not correct.
D is not possible because is has given H a second assignment, which cannot happen.
E is therefore the only remaining answer and must be correct.

I'll try to add more explanation later...
Last edited by trasper on Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fortnightly Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by lrthompson Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:25 pm


reasoning to follow
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Re: Fortnightly Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by lrthompson Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:27 pm

a) no, week 3 has more researchers than week 1 or 2, so we know it has 12 (since Week 1 and 2 have different projects). F is in Week 3, but F must have fewer researchers than project H (in week 2)
b)yes, does not violate any of the rules.
c)no, project F is not in week 4
d)no, F does not have more weeks than H
e)no, Project F is not in week 4

2 - If week one has more than week 5, then we know that either week 2 has the same as week 1, or the same as week 5.
And we know that at the least week 2 has 10 researchers, and week 3 has 12 (because of the W3> W1/2 and W2 =/= 8 rule), Which means week 1 can never be H (if it were H, then week 2 would have to be H too, and we could not have F taking up more weeks than H)

10,10, 12, F, 8

g(10), g(10), h(12), f(8), f(8)
f(10), f(10), h(12), f(10), g(8)

2 that I can see... the answer is a)

3a) no, W3 reaseachers is not > W2 researchers.
b) no H researchers is not > F researchers, because W3 >W2
c)no, H would have 8 then, but H needs to have more than F
d)no, H would need to have 12 researchers, and therefore also need to be in W3, if H has two spots F can not have more weeks than H
e)yes. Fits with all the rules

4 Week 3 must have 12 researchers, because week 2 is < Week 3, but can not be 8. Week 2 must be 10, Week 3 must be 12.

The answer is c)

5. f(8), h(10), g(12), f(8), g(12)
f(8), h(10), g(12), f(8), f(8)
F must be in Week 1, and Week 4. week 4 because of the rule, week 1, because H can not be in 2 week, and must be in week 2 (because it must have 10 researchers to have more than F, and therefore must be in week 2)

the answer is c)

6a) could be true g(10), g(10), h(12), f(8), f(8)
b) could be true f(10), f(10), h(12), f(10), g(8)
c) cannot be true. Project H has to be either W2 or W3 to have more researchers than project F, but can not be schedualed in two weeks because F needs more weeks than H
d) Could be true g(10), g(10), h(12), f(8), f(8)
e) Could be true g(10), g(10), h(12), f(8), f(8)
f(10), f(10), h(12), f(10), g(8)

7a) could be true: f(10), h(12), g(8), f(10), _g/f___
b) could be true: g(12), g(12), h(10), f(8), f(8)
c) could be true: f(10), h(12), g(8), f(10), _g/f___
d) could not be true: g(12), g(12), h(10), f(8), g(12) -- F does not have more weeks than H
e) could be true: g(10), g(10), f(8), f(8), h(12)

8a) no, H could be assigned to two weeks.
b) no g could be assigned to 3 weeks
c) no, F could have two, and H could have two
d) yes, with the previous rule, this was the maximum number each of the projects was allowed.
e) no, H could have 3 weeks with this rule.
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Re: Fortnightly Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:49 pm

Good work so far. In case you guys are itching for the answers they will be up in a little bit. I'd like to see how you went about setting up this game.

Trasper took a bit more time up front and set out a few deductions before starting on the questions. I think trasper found all of the major deductions, but one.

Irthompson is super thorough in the explanations. It makes me think that maybe you used most of your time in the questions.

Here are some things that I would like you to think about...

1. What kind of game is this and what would the game board look like?
2. You should feel that this game resembles some other ones out there, can you name them?
3. Are frames effective? If so, how many would you use? If not, why not?

Through an understanding of how this game relates to other ones, you should be able to move more quickly. To find some of the deductions, think about setting up numerical distribution tables to figure out how many researchers could be assigned to each of the projects and to how many weeks each of the projects can be assigned.

Keep your thoughts coming!

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Re: Fortnightly Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by cskelly512 Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:08 pm

My answers were....
1 B
2 A
3 E
4 C
5 E
6 C
7 D
8 D

Can someone explain to me what rules out option E as an answer for question five?
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Re: Fortnightly Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by cskelly512 Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:16 pm

Oh wait, nevermind. I reread the question. MUST was the operative word that I missed. So yes, of course I realized F must have weeks one and four. Five is not a MUST. Which I knew, which was I was so confused by the question.

Must pay closer attention to the wording of the questions.
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by MichaelW907 Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:15 am

Can someone please kindly explain rule

More researchers are assigned to week 3 than either week 1 or week 2.

For me it basically means week 3 has more researchers than at least one of weeks 1 and 2

Therefore there are basically four possibilities:

(1) _____ _____ _____ F H
8 10 10 12

(2) _____ _____ _____ F _____
10 12

(3) _____ _____ _____ F _____
8 12 10

(4) _____ G G F _____ (F=8, H=10)
12 12 8

But the questions seem to assume

weeks 3 have more researchers assigned than both week 2 and week 1.

Please kindly clarify because I have a problem of understanding either A or B for a while, probably since my first use of the phrase. :mrgreen:
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Re: Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by YoseC97 Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:21 pm

MichaelW907 Wrote:Can someone please kindly explain rule

More researchers are assigned to week 3 than either week 1 or week 2.

For me it basically means week 3 has more researchers than at least one of weeks 1 and 2

Therefore there are basically four possibilities:

(1) _____ _____ _____ F H
8 10 10 12

(2) _____ _____ _____ F _____
10 12

(3) _____ _____ _____ F _____
8 12 10

(4) _____ G G F _____ (F=8, H=10)
12 12 8

But the questions seem to assume

weeks 3 have more researchers assigned than both week 2 and week 1.

Please kindly clarify because I have a problem of understanding either A or B for a while, probably since my first use of the phrase. :mrgreen:

Hi! Have you figured out this yet? I've recently had the problem in grasping the "either..or"phrase in LG too, until I saw PT34,game 1 and I confirmed that by saying "either/or" they actually mean "both"囧
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Re: Logic Challenge #19 - Lab Projects

by ammarahZ741 Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:24 am

Could someone draw the diagram out please?