I've looked through the Logic Games Forum and can't find anything related to the Getting Unfamiliar game on the violinists (as set out on pg 372 of the Strategy Guide).
For question number 3, I understand the explanation provided in theory on the placeholder for H/U - and acknowledge that one of these must be in - but just want to be clear on why, when looking at the logic chain as a whole.
If U is in the H is out. If H is out then M, W and L are out. And we can also choose to put G out, as this is not triggered.
Likewise, if H is in then M, W and L are also out. And we can choose to put G out here too, as this is also not triggered.
My understanding is that U or H being in doesn't trigger anything - and as there are no further rules. We could even choose to have both U and H selected.
How do you make sure you don't go backwards on any of the rules / or when you've got the finished T Chart, how do you check you haven't reversed any of the conditional statements?