Dear Sirs/ Madams,
I am looking at Drill 1 & 2 on pg 163 & its accompanying solution on pg 164. (these are not in the errata)
R1: S arrives at some point before W.
R2: V arrives at some point after T.
R3: R arrives at some point before Q.
R4.1: T arrives before both R & S
R4.2: T arrives before neither of them.
I am concerned about the rule R4.2 which says T arrives before neither of them. The solution then draws T as arriving AFTER both of them.
Then onto the next question in the drills.
R1: Both L & J are examined after G.
R2.1: L is examined after F
R2.2: L is examined after M (but not both)
R3: K is examined after F
Again rule R2 is bothersome because it portrays L as arriving after F AND BEFORE M in the first diagram.Then portrays L arriving after M & before F in the second diagram. The wording of the rules do not lead the reader to conclude that L is examined after F & before M OR L is examined after M & before F.
I noticed some other errors in the book but did not bother to report them earlier. I have downloaded the Errata and it does not mention the above. Any help would be appreciated.