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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 3
Joined: July 30th, 2022

Drill 11: Diagramming 101, round 2 #5 p.76

by WendyH528 Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:35 am

I'm just trying to understand the use of and/or correctly -- I know it seems minor, but is the 'correct' way to read the conditional statements by connecting 'new tires (NT) with crash (C), and replacement blinker (RB) with ticket (T)? I know it's just a drill, but if I'm missing a fundamental step, I need to correct it now.

"If we don't get new tires and a replacement blinker, then we will crash the car or get a ticket"

My diagram & contrapositive:
~NT and ~RB --> C or T ; ~C or ~T -->NT and RB (I read this as, "If, No NT and No RB then, Crash or Ticket; If No Crash or No Ticket then, NT and RB")

~NT or ~RB --> C or T ; ~C and ~T --> NT and RB