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Vinny Gambini
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Does LSAC have rule against ripping of small pc of booklet

by eupelia Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:23 pm

Is there any rule against ripping off a small corner of a page from your booklet and using it to make a model of something to move around like checker pieces? for example, on a circle game I just did, (pt41, g4) i would have liked to use little pieces of paper with the restrictions shaped into the paper, like making F&G across from each other and making a chunk piece of OI so I could physically move them around.

I could do this tiny, so maybe use only like 2 square inches of the corner of a sheet.
What do you guys think?
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Does LSAC have rule against ripping of small pc of booklet

by noah Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:49 pm

I like the scrappiness! Unfortunately, that'll be a no-no. It's not a written rule that I could find, but a proctor might see that as your attempt to smuggle out a question, or pass a note. That's a good sign that you would find that useful and would think of that. Let your diagrams do that sort of work for you as best they and you can.

I'm dating myself here, but did you ever see "The Breakfast Club"? There's a character who adds snow to a drawing by shaking her dandruff onto her sketch. Pretty gross. Proctors probably wouldn't like that either, nor would other testers. Though in the movie she does end up with the cute jock .. . (is that a sign of success?)
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Does LSAC have rule against ripping of small pc of booklet

by ecmoloney Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:47 pm

This is an old post to reply to BUT...

The proctor specifically said yesterday you can't rip any paper off. You can only use what's in front of you in the form that it is in, so to speak.

Noah - nice BC reference. Right there with you.
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Re: Does LSAC have rule against ripping of small pc of booklet

by perfectparadise1 Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:37 am

My theory on these things is it's fine until someone says something. When I compete in fighting events I do what I need until the referee gives me a warning then I just play stupid and apologize. Same thing with here I imagine. I mean its not like you are busting out a home arts kit complete with ruler and scissors or a portable fax machine. As long as it's not something ridiculous like looking at another person's exam or me pulling out a Glock on an opponent one infraction won't get you in trouble. But I just don't see how going a 3 dimensional route like using pieces of paper is necessary or time effective.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Does LSAC have rule against ripping of small pc of booklet

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:48 pm

Yeah. I agree with perfectparadise1 that it's not time effective. There's no need to rip off pieces of paper during the middle of the exam.

The only place in the test where you need space is during Logic Games. And they give you more than enough space for every game.