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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by derekwelski Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:09 pm

Hey all!

Did you guys create a three frames for this game? Given the third rule: 'Jerry drives on Wed and Sat or both, and he may also drive on other days?'

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Atticus Finch
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Re: Diagram

by christine.defenbaugh Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:54 am

Great question, derekwelski! I'm glad you asked this - people often wonder when the right time to frame is.

The decision to frame is always based on two major components: 1) a divide in the game, where things can only work one of 2 or 3 different ways (occasionally 4) and 2) consequences of that divide.

It's the second of these that is harder to fully master. In this game, from the rule you mention, we have three essential possibilities:
    1) A world where Jerry drives Wednesday, but not Saturday
    2) A world where Jerry drives Saturday, but not Wednesday
    3) A world where Jerry drives on both days

These are the only three worlds that can exist, so it's a clear divide in the game. But are there consequences? I can't eliminate Jerry from the other days in any of the three worlds, since nothing would prevent Jerry from being on those days also (and in fact, the rule explicitly reminds us of that).

In the two worlds where Jerry drives on Saturday, I could eliminate Gina from Monday......but I wouldn't really know much else. Ultimately, there's not much else to infer in these three worlds. If I were to frame, I'd be left with three almost entirely empty frames, and that doesn't seem like a great use of time.

I often encourage students in the beginning of their Games practice to frame anything and everything they see - the idea is that you'll never find the dividing line that separates good-to-frame games from useless-to-frame games unless you go overboard, and then pull back. Ideally, with a game like this, you would TRY framing out, then after you finish the game, look back and those frames and ask yourself 'did those actually help at all, or was it a waste of time?'

Here, the frames are just not that helpful.

Here's the way I'd set up this game instead:

Please let me know if that completely answers your question!
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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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Re: Diagram

by VendelaG465 Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:44 pm

I had a question in regards to # 19. Can someone please provide a breakdown of how to approach this one?
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Diagram

by ohthatpatrick Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:04 am

In the future, please POST NEW TOPIC for Q19, instead of adding it to the diagram thread.

If we got 2 F's and they can't be Tu/Wed, and F never drives on Mon,
Thu, Fri
Thu, Sat
Fri, Sat
are our options?

But, since you can't drive on two consecutive days, only
Thu, Sat is legal.

So we have our 2 F's on Thu and Sat
__ __ __ F __ F

Since Jerry didn't get Saturday, he's gotta get Wed.
__ __ J F __ F

and that's it. We know that G and H still need to go at least once, and so one person from J/G/H will go twice.

(A) and (B) are both killed by the fact that it's gonna be a 2 : 2 : 1 : 1 distribution. Once we knew F = 2, then we're forced to do a 2211, with this game.

(C) is contradicted by JF on Wed/Thurs.

(D) contradicted because J is on Wed.

(E) is possible.