There's not a correct answer, so just go for one of them and then live to regret it / be grateful for it later.
I am very frame-loving. I will routinely frame a chunk with four options. But I would counsel AGAINST framing on this game (and I only know that because I tried to frame it).
Part of being good at framing is understanding that most frames don't pan out and trigger anything. So I quickly survey for the ones where stuff starts clicking, and any of them that don't have an initial triggered response I quickly leave as is.
This game's frames become a bit of a quicksand pit, since you can ALMOST figure stuff out, but you would need to sub-frame some of these reversible chunks in order for something to be triggered.
The lesson I learned from this game (and another similar ordering game with two reversible chunks) is that
framing with reversible chunks can be dicey. If it starts feeling too iffy, just get moving onto the questions.
Or ... fully commit and do the 8 frames you'd need:
J _ L in each of its four options
L _ J in each of its four options
Many of those would flesh out. At least one would blow up. But 8 frames is pretty crazy for 99% of test takers.