lynn_LY0918 Wrote:For example, in this game, "each person plays in at least one game", isn't it the cue for OPEN grouping game? But we can better tackle it by closed borad?
mattsherman Wrote:lynn_LY0918 Wrote:For example, in this game, "each person plays in at least one game", isn't it the cue for OPEN grouping game? But we can better tackle it by closed borad?
Good question. An Open Board is best used when you are not given the number of players to be assigned to each team. Even if you are uncertain how many times each player goes, if you are told how many players go to each team (in this case you are told that exactly two people play in each game) then it is automatically a Closed Assignment game.
Hope that helps!
bbirdwell Wrote:Here's a simple diagram. You don't need much more. Clearly, the S--O--S constraint will play a major role. Notice that there's only two ways this can be arranged: 1, 2, 3, or 2, 3 , 4.
Nina Wrote:Thanks for the diagram! I just have a question regarding the S-O-S constraint: is it necessarily true that S is directly before and after O? could it also be true, for example, S in 1 and O in 3?