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by sunhwa2881 Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:20 pm

I'm having trouble setting up the master diagram. Can you please show how you would set it up? Also can you please explain question 13? Thank you~
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Re: PT 21 S1 G3

by ManhattanPrepLSAT2 Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:38 pm

Here you go --

I've posted a diagram with just the constraints noted, and I've also posed a set of "frames" you could use to solve the game. Specifically, based on the information given, the hostile witnesses have to be interviewed M/T,T/W, or F/S, and this limits where everything else can go.

I haven't written all the inferences into the frames (and I actually wouldn't on the real exam either -- the constraints themselves are easy to deal with, and the # of inferences too great), but you may want to try writing them in to make sure you understand the game.

In terms of #13:

We're looking for Tues morning, Tues afteroon, and Weds morning. Since we are interviewing non-hostiles on Tues (per the answer choices), we know the hostiles must be Friday and Saturday. That leaves us with our third frame. In the third frame, we can infer that Z must go Thurs afternoon, and all the other interviews must take place M, T or W.

Now let's look at our answer choices:

We can eliminate (A) and (B) because Q and R have to be interviewed together.

(C) doesn't work because RQ has to be between U and X.
(D) doesn't seem to break any of our rules - let's hold off on it.
(E) can't work - we know Z comes after X.

We've eliminated 4 that must be false. Therefore (D) is correct.

We can verify (D) just to be sure. If U is Tues Morn, Y is Tues After, and nothing is Weds morning, RQ could be Weds afternoon, and we'd be set for interviews without violating any rules.

Hope that helps!
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Re: PT 21 Game 3

by cyruswhittaker Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:31 am

Here were my thoughts on the game:

*The hostile witnesses take up two full days of the week, so because of X being in Th. morning, the hostile witnesses can only be interviewed on Mon/Tues, Tues/Wed, or Fri/Sat.

*From the last rule, Z is interviewed after X, so it can either be interviewed Th. afternoon, any time Fr, any time Sat.

However, the placement of Z restricts the placement of the hostile witnesses. If Z is placed on Fri or Sat, then the hostile witnesses MUST be placed on Mon/Tues or Tues/Wed. Notice that in this case, Tuesday must have hostile witnesses regardless which is chosen.

Likewise, if the hostile witnesses are placed in Fri/Sat, then Z MUST be in Thursday afternoon.

*With the rules, create a sequencing chain linking the QR block, Y, U, X, and Z. Something like this:

[Y AND (U>QR)>X]>Z

Use this chain to cross of variables on your diagram. For example, because QR is after X, then you know Q cannot be in Th, Fr, or Sat.
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by VetteRedGreenGo Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:16 pm

I answered question 12 correct right away, but I am confused as to how the main diagram goes.

I might be messing up with one of the rules because for question 13 I thought I had to have U Monday am or pm, Tuesday am or pm Q, Tuesday am or pm R, Wednesday Y or none for the am, and for Thursday I could have X am and Z pm so I have Friday and Saturday off consecutively.

I ended up skipping this game and doing game #4. I managed to finish game 4 with getting all of the answers correct, yet I am stuck on this :oops:
Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Diagram

by timmydoeslsat Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:08 pm

This can be used as the sequence of the nonhostile witnesses:


As you can see, Q and R are placed together in a block as we know from the rules that they are interviewed at the same time.

The rest of the rules help determine the sequencing tree above.

This is an advanced linear game since we have afternoon and morning slots.

I always simply use "AM" and "PM" rows for this concept.

We also know that, according to the paragraph in the game, we must reserve two full consecutive days for hostile witnesses. We are not given names for those people, so we will just keep them as "H."

We can begin by placing the X on Thursday morning, which I denoted as "AM."


Below our diagram is a representation of the idea that two full consecutive days must be reserved for the hostile people.

I knew that this was going to provide for limited situations or scenarios, thus I created frames for all of the possible ways in which we can have the hostiles be placed.

The most obvious place to start is to place the two full consecutive H's at Friday and Saturday. We could not start on Thursday because X is there, so we would not have a full day for the H's.


I placed our sequencing tree of the remaining non-hostiles left to place below our diagram so that we can attack the questions in this scenario.

Notice that Z must go on Thursday afternoon because that is the only available slot left and we know that Z is after X.

The other placement for the non-hostile witnesses will have to come between Monday-Wednesday.

This is a commonly tested concept on logic games. We have two full consecutive days to play on 3 days. You will come to realize that the middle day must be a day reserved for hostile witnesses.

Notice the possibilities below that shows this:





So we can see that if Fri-Sat is not the destination for our HH block, then Tuesday must contain H.

I will show the two scenarios within this limitation.



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Re: Diagram

by VetteRedGreenGo Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:48 pm

The main thing I missed was that Q and R were going to be interviewed with each other at the same time period. I misinterpreted it as same day, thus am and pm were to be Q/R am or R/Q pm. Thank you so much for explaining this in such detail in the diagram you provided.

Edit: Took me 5 minutes to answer all of the questions. Damn I hate missing the simple details. I fell into the trap of reading too fast on the LSAT.