by giladedelman Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:13 am
Thanks for posting.
So, yeah, the whole game pretty much hinges on the pink/green issue. I think the second and third constraints are worded a little funkily, but basically what they mean is, the green benches are consecutive as you go around the perimeter, and the pink benches are consecutive as you go around the perimeter. So they're not all touching each other (that would be impossible), they're just in a row.
Now, since we know that J, which is green, is in the middle of the north side, there are three possibilities for the arrangement of the greens (going clockwise): g g J, g J g, or J g g. The first arrangement doesn't leave three consecutive spaces to put the pinks (because the southeast corner is taken by T), and the second arrangement would force a green in the northwest corner and a pink in the west middle spot to touch each other. So the other two greens must be in the northeast corner and the middle of the east side. And the pinks must be in the opposite three spots. So we end up with this:
U -- J -- g
p -- p -- T
Does that answer your question?