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Vinny Gambini
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Prep Test 39 / Sec 1 Game 2 - Game Setup help

by chilwoo Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:16 pm

I'm getting very confused on how to properly setup this game. Please help!
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Prep Test 39 / Sec 1 Game 2 - Game Setup help

by chilwoo Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:13 pm

I should clarify, i've set this up as a 3d closed assignment game - but the 1st constraint - each conference participant attends exactly 2 sessions.... i'm not sure what this exactly means and how to put this into the game setup.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Prep Test 39 / Sec 1 Game 2 - Game Setup help

by aileenann Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:01 pm

This is a tricky game in terms of the set-up. Take a look at how I solved it and tell me what you think.
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Prep Test 39 / Sec 1 Game 2 - Game Setup help

by chilwoo Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:44 am

That setup makes it much clearer. Thanks!
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Re: Prep Test 39 / Sec 1 Game 2 - Game Setup help

by 5smv Sun May 09, 2010 10:58 am

I don't think I've come across such a complex logic games question before in my LSAT classes - are such questions common on the LSAT? This has me a bit worried.

I would appreciate a tutorial/link to more open-assignment question solutions and explanations. Any ideas?

Thank you though. The set up made me understand the question better.
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Re: Prep Test 39 / Sec 1 Game 2 - Game Setup help

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Mon May 10, 2010 12:58 am

If you'd like to a few more games that have some similar elements to them, check out the following games. I think you'll find that they have similar spatial relationships.

PT37, S3, G1
PT29, S2, G2
PT33, S4, G4
PT16, S1, G3
PT10, S3, G3

Keep in mind that none of these are as difficult as the the game from PT39, but all of them rely on a similar understanding of spatial relationships...

Good luck!
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Re: Diagram

by lmluckenbach Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:41 pm

aileenann Wrote:This is a tricky game in terms of the set-up. Take a look at how I solved it and tell me what you think.

Am I missing something here? Where is the setup?
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Re: Diagram

by timmydoeslsat Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:28 pm

Looks like something happened to that since it was posted. I will post my set up until another one is put back up.

My comments on the set up will be below.


The checkmarks denote that the variable was discussed in the rules.

I have a multi-row setup to show files 1-8, both to denote the file and the color.

As you can tell from the rules, file 1 will be either green or yellow.

As for the rule discussing HO and XV, I diagrammed it like this:

I know that we cannot have HO, it must be at least H_O, which is the same deal with X_V.

I denoted a "+1?" above the space to show that we can make that separation larger if we wanted, we just have to have that one space at least.

I also marked it with words stating that this pair will be equal in terms of separation.
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Re: Diagram

by lmluckenbach Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:09 am

Ok, thanks. That's very similar to what I came up with, but I had trouble with it the first time so I guess I thought I was doing something wrong.
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Jackie Chiles
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Re: Diagram

by ca_teran1 Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:55 am

Can I see the Manhattan Lsat Diagram?
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Re: Diagram

by ohthatpatrick Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:00 pm

Hey, there. Sorry for the terribly late reply.
Also sorry for the fact that we don't have a way right now to post images in this forum, so I'll just show you my setup in this annoying ASCII environment.

HMO - red
PVX - green
TZ - yellow

H - __+ - O
X - V
# of X - V = # of H - O
1 ≠ H, M, O

It's basically just an ordering game. The red/green/yellow isn't playing enough of a role in the rules to make me care about adding a second row to the diagram. I would just have a normal 8 spot number line.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

We can infer that since X-V has to match H-O, and since H-O can't be HO, X and V can't be XV.

That seems to be about it.

We can rule H/M/O/V out of the first spot, but that still leaves four options.

We can rule out H/X/Z from the last spot, but that still leaves five options.

The ZM chunk seems to have seven options (1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8), so that doesn't seem worth framing.

The colors of the files is really only coming into play for Q3, at which point you could add a second row for color or just write the colors underneath the number line.

Hope this helps.