sranksonly Wrote:Is there an alternate way to diagram this game.Also,Q17 is driving me crazy.I hope this kind of game doesn't appear in October.
There is an alternate way of diagramming this game. You can think of this game as a binary grouping game, meaning there are two groups.
You are either in the photograph or you are not in the photograph.
After the first two rules, my diagram looked like that. I also make it a habit to checkmark each variable that is mentioned in the rules. That way I can keep tabs on which variables are randoms/floaters/free agents.
The first two rules are crucial to master.
W appears in every S.
S ---> W
A lot of people are tempted to write this as:
W ---> S
But notice what could happen with this rule.
Every time there is a W there is a S. However, we know that this is not what the first rule is telling us. It is telling us that EVERY S is a W. Thus, S ---> W
So you could have W's without S's.
I combine the first two rules to create a chain of logic.
The image below shows me also diagramming the next to last rule in our game.
Notice what that ~Y ---> R rule indicates to us.
This tells us that it MUST be the case that at least one of Y and R is IN a photograph.
Consider this analogous situation.
~A ---> B
Contrapositive of that conditional statement?
~B ---> A
Notice that no matter what, at least one of the variables must be in.
What happens if A? We do not know. What happens if B? We do not know. Thus, we could have both A and B.
We know that both cannot be out at the same time because that situation would triggers one of the conditionals.
Time to diagram the last rule, which you can tag along to the first chain of logic.
Also notice that I could tag additionally show that when I have R out, that triggers the contrapositive of the second conditional and would give me Y must be in.
Every variable has been checkmarked other than Z, as it has no rules governing it. That means that we can place Z in or out with no issue. That is an important aspect to keep in mind on possible minimum/maximum questions.
Also, we need to know how to properly utilize this approach.
Notice what happens if I have a case of T or R being in.
That sets off the contrapositive, which would give me ~W, ~S, and ~U in that first chain of logic.
QUESTION #13The first question of this game, #13, is essentially a hypothetical line up question in which a solid grasp of the rules can readily give us an answer.
A) When W is in, R is out. R cannot be in, yet it is.
B) No need to check this one, we got there by process of elimination. You could use this for a future hypothetical in the game. Also notice that you could easily place Z out of this example, as no rules force Z's presence in the photograph.
C) When W is in, R is out. R cannot be in, yet it is.
D) When U is in, S is in, and W is in. Where is W?
E) When U is in, S is in, and W is in. Where is W?
QUESTION #14This gives us a local rule telling us that if T and Z appear in a photograph together, what must be true?
Well, we know that Z is random, thus, we cannot infer anything from that variable being in. However, we do know that if T is in, that invokes our contrapositive of the first chain. We know that we do not have W, S, or U in the photograph.
That has placed five of the seven variables. There are two left. Y and R.
We have a rule governing Y and R. At least one must be in! If you cannot recall how we determined that, go back to the beginning of this post to understand this concept.
We can show the consequences of this situation like this:
I have a slot designated for one of R and Y must appearing there. However, I have shown what Noah would call the "cloud of uncertainty!" showing that the opposite of what is selected could go in either place, in or out.
A) Must be false.
B) Could be true, not must be.
C) Must be false.
D) Could be true, not must be.
E) Must be true.
QUESTION #15If Y does not appear in the photograph, what is the maximum number of friends that could be in the photograph.
Well, we know that if Y is out, that triggers the second conditional, which gives us R being in.
R being in triggers the contrapositive of our first conditional chain of logic, which would give us W, S, and U out.
We have placed 5 of the 7 variables. The two that are left to place are T and Z. We have no rules governing what happens with Z.
We also notice that we do not have any rules governing what happens to T at this point.
If T is in, we already have triggered the contrapositive of ~W, ~S, and ~U.
If T is not in, we have no rules governing that.
So both T and Z are random at this point. Since this is asking us for the maximum number of friends that could be in, we must put both of these randoms in the IN PHOTOGRAPH group, as that would give us our true maximum.
Thus, we would have 3.
QUESTION #16This question gives us a local rule of U and Z appearing in a photograph together, and it asks us how many of the OTHER friends MUST appear in the photograph together.
So we have two potential pitfalls in this question if we are not careful. First, we need to point out how many of the OTHER friends are in the photograph, we do not include U and Z in our calculation.
Second, we must consider who MUST be in the photograph. Not could be.
With that said, let's see what we can do. We do not have any rules governing Z, so that gives us nothing. However, we are given U being in. This triggers the first conditional chain of logic.
We know that we will have S, W, and not T and not R.
We also know that if R is out, Y must be in. This is the contrapositive of our second conditional.
We know that three of the other friends MUST be included in the photograph.
QUESTION #17This is giving us a local rule of there being three friends in this picture. We know then that there must be 4 friends out then.
We need to remember that at least one of those 3 in slots must be given to Y and R.
One of Y and R must always be in.
Now we can think about the complications of this rule being combined with the local rule given of only three people being in this photograph.
We realize that U could not be in. If U were in, so would S and W. This would give us too many people in the photograph because at least one of Y and R must always be in.
Look at answer choice A.
Could S and Z be in? No.
If S is in, so is W. That gives us two in. This answer choice also gives us Z. That is three. Where is the space for one of Y and R? There is none.
Thus, this must be false.