by sumukh09 Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:59 am
G_ _S
You can verify this by looking at the first question
if J is first, then G must be second, S must be fifth, and by the second rule, U would have to consequently be 6th.
If it was G_ _ _S then there would be no room for "U" in the first question since S would have to be 6th and U has to come after S but it can't because all the slots would be filled up.
Also, it would be much too constraining if it was the other way -- in fact, the whole game would be solved if it was G_ _ _S because G would have to be 1st, J 3rd, S 5th, U 6th, H 4th, and T would take up the 2nd slot. This would be the only configuration possible and a logic game is never that easy.