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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 4
Joined: June 07th, 2017

Conditional Logic in Grouping (In/Out) Games

by HondaC94 Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:19 am

Hello, I just started studying the In/Out Games. I learned that in the diagram A → B, if I have "A" or "B slash," the rule is triggered so I have "B" and "A slash" respectively. But If I am given "A slash" (failed sufficient) or "B" (necessary), the rule is not triggered so the other item is free to flow (could be in or out).

So in question types like "which one of the following scenario can't be true/ must be true/ ...." (i.e. no "if" statement is given in the question stem), how can I know which condition is triggered first?

Or to say, when do I need to consider the triggering sequence and the "free to flow" problem?

Thank you in advance :)
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 4
Joined: June 07th, 2017

Re: Conditional Logic in Grouping (In/Out) Games

by HondaC94 Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:25 am

Like if I am given a condition: "If A is in, then B is out," can I automatically think that there are exactly two scenarios (A in B out & A out B in)? (it is in the drill key in LG Bible pp255-256) Do I have to consider the triggering sequence?