PT29, Passage 1
Paragraph 1
Line 3: "...some have described as prophetic..."
- -This would be implying a little bit of skepticism, no? The author is saying, "some people have said this" and if the author was agreeing with these some people, the author probably would have said something more objective such as "These paintings are prophetic..."
Line 6: "...are thus said to..."
- Does this imply a little bit of skepticism or lack of agreement, too? Whenever I personally use this in a sentence I am implying that I either don't agree or I don't have an opinion.
Line 8: "but all these styles had in common a very important..."
- The passage is making an objective point, right? The author seems to be agreeing with this point, basically saying "some people believe these works of art are prophetic but I will at least say this: they break tradition!"
Paragraph 2
Line 12-13: " is not surprising to discover..."
- The word "discover" seems to be objective here too, right? If you discovered something, it has to be true no matter how you look at it. It seems then, that the author would be agreeing with this point or at least stating its truth.
Line 15: ah. We discovered that they are "often credited..." So it seems that the only thing the author is saying is that it is in fact true that people credit the artists with "anticipating subsequent developments in arts, political disruptions, social disruptions, etc."
Line 20: "One art critic even goes so far as to claim that..."
- This seems to highlight the author's views explicitly. The author is implying that the views of the art critic aren't exactly TRUE ones.
Paragraph 3
Line 30-32: "But the forward-looking quality attributed to the artists should instead be credited to their exceptional..."
- The word "should" here is a pretty clear indication of the author's opinion. This may be the most important sentence in the whole passage.
Line 41-2: "The reformation of society was of no interest to them as artists."
- This, to me, is INCREDIBLY interesting. If something is written in the passive voice or using a "to be" verb without any other opinionated words, can it be assumed that this is just a fact?
This is not meant to elicit some hard and fast rules that are always able to be followed. However, I am just trying to think about some basics as I begin the RC process. Am I way off in my thoughts?