by timmydoeslsat Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:06 pm
In regards to the first, question, I am not aware of the correct answer, but I would believe the answer is that we can infer that the first humans to enter the Americas was over 7,000 years ago.
The language of most recent land bridge is, as you pointed out, a big factor here.
It does not have to be true that the people that crossed that land bridge did so on the most recent one, perhaps it was the very first land bridge that ever appeared, or the 500th. We cannot infer that.
I think the issue with some of your questions is that you are making your point in a way! You have questions about some these answer choices due to the fact that we would have to make assumptions for them to have a chance of being true. This means we cannot infer it.
However, a bigger takeaway from these games on Manhattan is to get used to the idea of getting an idea of what cannot be inferred.
As in the issue of the next question with the families, we cannot infer that at most four families live on that street. We do not have to assume that this neighborhood is aligned in a linear manner, it could indeed by a circle, we do not know.
We do know this:
These blocks are reversible obviously. And, as we learn, these families could live in the same house, such as with J and K both living in the same house and both, at the same time, would have 1 family between them.
So, if J and K do live together...
Does that mean at most four? It could be true, but it does not have to be. We could go on down the line for 6,000 spots. We cannot infer a maximum.
However, with the other answer choice, if J and K do not live in the same house, we do know that at least 5 homes are on this street.
We know for a fact we have this:
We also know that K must have exactly one family live between them and H. Since this conditional has it be the case that J and K cannot be in the same house, we must have this situation occur:
We know of 3 families being placed, with exactly 1 going in each blank spot.
It could be the case that ABCDEF families also all live in K's house as well. It could be true that those hypothetical families live to the west of K, all in a row. We do not know. However, we do know that if J and K are not in the same house, there must be at least 5 families on that street.