P: Only those animals that eat meat are considered carnivores.
(A1): (Some animals in the National Park are carnivores.)
(A2): (Most animals in the National Park are not carnivores.)
C: Therefore, there are animals in the National Park that eat meat.
The correct answer is A1, and I got it correct. I want to try what you all said by testing the incorrect answer and making it correct.
If I diagram this (using A2) I would get:
(P) C ---> EM
(A2) Most -C
I don't think I can make a conclusion with this assumption. If the assumption had been most -EM, I could have created the assumption most -C.
Is there a conclusion that can be created using the premise and assumption 2?
However, I could create an assumption that says, "There are some animals that are not carnivores."