The Week in (Law) Review – October 23rd, 2015 LSAT Roundup
All things LSAT-and-law-school-related from the past week, for your niche media consumption delight.
U.S. News issues erroneous surveys, potentially invalidates Law School Rankings results 
Each year, U.S. News sends ballots to law school faculty members to assemble its latest law school rankings. In addition to the overall law school rankings, U.S. News publishes law specialty-specific rankings in a myriad of areas including clinical training, dispute resolution, environmental law, health care law, intellectual property law, international law, legal writing, tax law, and trial advocacy (okay, you can wake up now). The issue? The survey asked faculty members from every specialty area specifically about the quality of various “alternative dispute resolution” programs. We’re not sure how a tax law specialist’s opinion on dispute resolution programs comprises a credible tax law program ranking, but this could provide some insight into the arbitrariness of the “Legal Writing” ranking, which is almost as bizarre as the fact that a specific ranking for such a fundamental aspect of every law school even exists at all. Read the full story here.

Credit: The Wall Street Journal’s “Above The Law” Blog
Penn Law School to honor life cut tragically short
Theodore Milton Selden graduated first in his class from the historically black Lincoln University and summa cum laude from Darmouth College, where he gained entry into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society, before becoming one of the first African American students to enroll at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Selden had completed his first year in the top half of his class before a tragic train accident took his life. Now, more than 90 years later, Penn Law has announced that it will dedicate a plaque in his honor to be unveiled in a ceremony in front of his family and his fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, as well as official from Lincoln University. Read more about Selden and find out what his family had to say about this long-overdue honor here.

Theodore Milton Selden | (credit:
Northwestern Law School gets $100M gift, new name 

Is Northwestern on your law school wish list? If you answered “yes” to that question, your list may need an edit: the 156-year-old law school will henceforth be known as the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Officials announced this week that J.B. Pritzker, a venture capitalist worth an estimated $3.5 billion, and his wife, M.K. Pritzker, have donated $100 million to the Northwestern University School of Law. The donation, which is the single largest in school history, will be invested in scholarships, grants, and support for the college’s social justice, entrepreneurship and civil and human rights initiatives. For more detail on this generous – if only slightly ego-driven – gift, click here.

The Northwester *Pritzker* School of Law – get used to it.
Tweets of the week: The “My LSAT score just dropped” Edition
Way to make 99.94 percent of people feel terrible about themselves…
So, my LSAT score. 179. 99.94% percentile. Still in shock, but today I'm freaking Elle Woods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Ally (@thatlittlefly) October 23, 2015
"Your 2015 LSAT score is in." Nope. Nope. *throws phone*
— Amanda (@Manda_AllStars) October 23, 2015
Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?
Got my LSAT score… California's drought will be replenished with my tears
— lindsey (@lynzeexo) October 23, 2015
I was out shopping and got an email of my LSAT score. I went out to have a nice time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
— Grace (@VivaLaCouture12) October 23, 2015
Thus concludes the third edition of The Week in (Law) Review. Miss last week’s edition? Click here. Want resources that are actually useful in preparing for the LSAT? Click here, or check out our upcoming trial classes.
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