The Week in (Law) Review – October 16th, 2015 LSAT Roundup
All things LSAT-and-law-school-related from the past week, for your niche media consumption delight.
Local woman narrowly averts disaster, becomes lawyer rather than librarian 

The Murfeesboro Post, the local newspaper of Rutherford County, which is in Tennessee (bear with us here), published a stirring profile this week of one of Rutherford’s finest. Susan Emery McGannon had just graduated from Kenyon College with a bachelor’s degree in world religions, and, not unlike all small liberal arts college graduates with bachelor’s degrees in world religions, lacked gainful employment upon graduation. McGannon was considering applying to graduate school to study library science when her brother mercifully intervened: “Either I pay for you to take the LSAT, or you’re not getting a birthday present at all.” Left with no choice, Susan took the LSAT, “scored high,” and enrolled at Vanderbilt Law. On November 1st, she’ll retire from her post as a Murfeesboro city attorney, which she held for 14 years. The lesson in all of this can be expressed in terms of a the conditional statement (yes, you should know what that means. If you don’t, click the link.): Unless you want to become a librarian, take the LSAT.

This is not Susan Emery McGannon.
**Disclaimer: Manhattan Prep has nothing against the noble profession of librarianism, and in fact has great respect and admiration for the work that librarians do. My grandma was a librarian, for goodness’ sake!**
Man admits passion for LSAT logic puzzle podcast, immediately loses interest of woman
Dating Ring, a dating service startup that seeks to combine the convenience of online dating with the attention-to-detail of old-school match-making, held a launch party in Washington, D.C. recently. For whatever reason, the event’s attendants found an overwhelming amount of common ground in discussing their favorite podcasts. The least popular eligible bachelor at the event confessed his undying lust for an unnamed LSAT logic puzzle podcast; his date could not be reached for comment.
Tweets of the Week: Future World Leaders Edition 

#LawSchoolBeerBreakFOMO/Woman has happy dream that law school forgets about her on visit
@_isabel_bailey I literally had a dream last night that I toured the law school at UGA and they forgot me so I hung out with you.
— Emma إيما (@Amal0526) October 16, 2015
Student’s law school study playlist displays emotional depth, complexity that should be expected of society’s future leaders
@justinbieber I'm so glad we're finally getting more music from you. You are in the top of my law school study playlist #PreOrderPURPOSE
— Shawn (@NikaH92) October 16, 2015
Law student spends precious time, money wisely
Woman devises fool-proof backup plan if unsuccessful in law school
*if I fail law school*
— Anne V. (@AnneBeleret) October 16, 2015
**Disclaimer: Manhattan Prep loves our social media friends and all tomfoolery is in good fun.**
Thus concludes the second edition of The Week in (Law) Review. Miss last week’s edition? Click here. Want resources that are actually useful in preparing for the LSAT? Click here, or check out our upcoming trial classes.
Entertained? Confused? Disturbed? Let us know what you think below.