The June 2007 LSAT Results – The Dinosaur Game


Folks are starting to get their scores back, and we’re facing a volley of questions.

Should I Re-Take the LSAT?
The most common—of those who aren’t so excited about their score—is whether to re-take or not.  That depends on a lot of factors, which we spelled out in the last blog entry.  In short, if you’re not competitive for the schools to which you’d be happy to go, and you have legitimate reasons to think there are more points on the table for you, then go for it.  But make sure you dig deep with your prep this summer.  We’re going to spell out a few re-take or not scenarios in our upcoming Review the June LSAT Workshop.

The Dinosaur Game Explanation
The second set of questions is about how to solve the Dinosaur game.  I could spell out a diagram and solution explanation here, but if you struggled with that, learning how to solve that specific game is not the issue.  Plenty of people were able to nail that game, so how come they did and you didn’t?  If you did a lot of prep work, then most likely the difference is that they were flexible in their approach and didn’t freeze up.  There are a lot of overall lessons to be drawn from that game.  If you’re interested in going over it with us, come to our Review the June LSAT Workshop and see what you can learn from that game.