The February LSAT Curse of 2010

LSAT Weather Fail
Perhaps you read about the challenging experiences of Luke, our young LSAT warrior. But Luke has now been out-done by the hapless folks who had their rescheduled February exam re-scheduled. LSAC just announced that one of the re-take sites has been closed down because of snow! Looking out the window here in Chelsea, I can see what they were thinking, but we’re New Yorkers. If we can make it through Times Square, we can make it through this not-so-faux-snowpocalypse.
But truly, that’s some seriously bad luck. In fact, that’s such bad luck that it might just be a divine message to those folks to go to med school. No doubt some people are simply pulling out their hair. Don’t sweat it — you might actually want to delay that LSAT score one more application cycle. For one, a February score generally puts you in a bad (i.e., late) position in the application cycle (sort of like being in early position in Texas-Hold-Em). Secondly, as can be expected, there are a ton of people applying to law school this year. Let them battle it out, and walk in, stepping gingerly around their corpses.
Good luck to those who will manage to take that re-test! For the rest of us suffering through this heavenly explanation of why we’re supposed to say “climate change” and not “global warming”, stay inside and start working through your Netflix queue.