Telling Your Story: Tell One Story, Not Four


Manhattan Prep LSAT Blog - Telling Your Story: Tell One Story, Not Four by jdMission

A personal statement is really no more than telling a story—one that illuminates the “you” a law school would be lucky to have in its student body. In this series, “Telling Your Story,” a jdMission Senior Consultant will discuss how elements of storytelling can—and should—be applied to your personal statement.

You probably have many stories you could tell from your life, and that is great with regard to brainstorming for your personal statement. It is even great when you are drafting your personal statement(s), because you can write several versions—different essays based on different stories—and then choose which one you like best.

But within one essay, a good rule of thumb is to try to stick with one theme, which usually means you should tell one story. Do not try to take on too much, or you risk losing the full meaning that can be found by sticking with a single theme and story to support it.

For example, if you worked in construction as a teenager and want to write about what that experience taught you, do not also try to squeeze in two paragraphs about how you went to Mexico last year and learned not to make assumptions about other cultures. That is a different theme, and maybe a great one, but it belongs in another essay. Occasionally, a couple of stories may support a single theme, but make sure their connection to each other and to the theme is clear. You only have two pages, after all. ?

For even more insight on your law school personal statements, check out our free Personal Statement Guide.

jdMission is a leading law school admissions consulting firm with a team of dedicated consultants who have not only been through the law school application process themselves, but also possess elite communications skills and can help you navigate this crucial—and often perplexing—process. Your consultant will serve as your coach and partner every step of the way, advising you on school selection, helping you brainstorm personal statement topics, editing your essays and resume, helping you manage your recommenders, advising on any addenda, and more!