Week Before LSAT Tips

Early Versions of the Reading Comprehension Section of the LSAT
The LSAT is less than a week away and people are often asking for final tips about test day. Here’s my best of:
1. Easy does it (sort of). Don’t take any full prep tests within the last two days. The brain is a muscle, let it rest. But, you do need to keep it toned. So take a few timed sections each day and review a bunch of the work you’ve already done. The day before the LSAT re-do sections you have already completed and on the morning of, redo one easy logic game on your way to the test center to get your brain moving.
Caveat: if you know you’ll do better with momentum, go right ahead and get momentumming– go crazy the week before the LSAT. Some people like to do a six-section LSAT a week before test day to make 5 sections seem easy.
2. Pack-up the night before. Get all your pencils sharpened, print out the ticket (and make sure your printer doesn’t cut off any part of it), make sure you have a passport-sized picture, and find that analog watch your dad gave you years ago. Make sure you know how to get to your testing center – there’s nothing worse than freaking out on your way to the test. Plan to arrive early and to enjoy a coffee outside while you do a warm-up section, a crossword puzzle, or something that is fun and slightly intellectual. Read more