FINALLY! October LSAT Scores Released
After weeks of anticipation, the October LSAT scores have finally been released by LSAC! The curve was -13 for a 170, -28 for a 160, and -45 for a 150 (out of 101 questions). This is a generous curve, as we typically see 170 scores around a -10. How did you do?

He just heard the news of the October LSAT score release
Hopefully you’re where you need to be and thus can start focusing on applications. For the rest of us mere mortals, there is still some work to do.
I would suggest attending our free online review of the October LSAT on Wednesday of this week. Two our our geeky-est instructors will be going over the more difficult questions on the exam, and providing some insight in to the “should I retake?” dilemma that many of you are likely facing now.
If the December LSAT is in your future, be sure to get yourself registered before Monday’s (October 31st) deadline.
Be sure to tweet your LSAT score @ManhattanLSAT for a chance to win a cool prize!