Challenging Vocabulary on the LSAT
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No matter who you are and what kind of spelling bees you’ve won, you’re likely to encounter some new, challenging vocabulary on the LSAT. The test encompasses such a broad range of topics, from the feeding habits of dung beetles to Greek philosophy, that you’re bound to encounter a passage where it feels like you’re reading a foreign language. As a result, students often ask me what type of vocabulary they should study to prepare for the LSAT. Read more
Here Are the Two Types of Vocabulary Challenges on the LSAT (and How to Beat Them)
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One of the most unforgiving parts of the LSAT, especially in Reading Comprehension, is the vocabulary. It may be just one tough word that, like a big splotch of bird droppings on your car window, makes it hard to get the “full picture” of a question or passage. Even worse, sometimes there’s a whole slew of technical vocabulary, like a thick sheet of ice covering your entire windshield: if you don’t clear things up, you won’t have a clue where you’re going.
So today we’ll tackle two kinds of vocabulary challenges the LSAT throws at you. Read more
LSAT Vocabulary
I just saw a good blog post listing vocabulary words that you should have under your belt for the LSAT. Take a look and see if you really know all of them. Thanks for the list, Steve!