The Scores Are Out!

Did you put up the numbers you were hoping for?
If you took the June LSAT and didn’t know that the scores were just released, you are a hermit! Go check your e-mail inbox!
For the rest of you non-hermits, if you’d like to review that LSAT with us, we’re holding a free Live Online Workshop on July 11th, at 8pm ET.
You rocked the LSAT? Awesome – good luck with your applications.
You didn’t rock it? Let’s talk. If you decide to retake, you should know that the average re-taker only does a few points better, so you better dig deep to beat that statistic! Don’t just repeat what you did last time and expect a different result – that’s the definition of insanity. Take a look at our various prep options. And, if you already took a class with someone else (gasp!), we’ve got a discount for “refugees” – folks who took another course and need to get down and dirty with us.
You kind of rocked it? Same advice as above – if you simply go and re-take, you’ll probably score about the same as this time. If you’re going to go for it, go for it. If you’d like to talk through this decision (and no, we don’t try to get everyone to take a class with us!), feel free to give us a call – (646)-254-6480 or shoot us an e-mail at
Keeping Perspective – 5 Things to Do While Waiting for Your LSAT Scores
If the trends of past LSAT score releases are any indication, you can reasonably expect that the June 2011 scores will be released shortly – likely some time tomorrow. Who knew that three weeks could feel like three decades?
This week Ann Levine ( has written a very insightful blog post that brings some much needed perspective to the LSAT and law school in general, and offers 5 things that you can do while waiting for that email.
From’s blog:
I know the waiting feels endless, but just think about all of the people taking the bar exam who have to wait three months to find out IF, after making it through law school,they will be able to actually practice law. I do expect scores to come out by email in the next 12-36 hours and I want to keep you all nice, calm, occupied, and feeling productive in the meantime. Here are some things to do in the next day or two:
1. Articulate the reasons why you want to be a lawyer. Not why you want to go to law school, but why you want to be a lawyer. Write them down and keep it in your wallet and look at it every time you spend money. I know no one will really do this, but I think it’s a GREAT idea. If you don’t want to be a lawyer but want to go to law school for some other reason, write down those reasons and spend the next day doing research on other ways to get to your goal without going to law school.
2. Go see Hangover 2 or Bridesmaids. I really want to see both of these films. I don’t have time (just moved houses and am trying to finish up my book to help you decide whether to go to law school) so please see these films, laugh a lot, and let me know how they are. One of my favorite traditions when I was in law school was going to see a movie on Friday afternoons. It was a great escape, and I haven’t had time to see movies since, so let me live vicariously through you….