LSAT Classes in Irvine and in San Diego
We’re very excited to announce that we’re launching classes in Irvine and in San Diego this month!
If you’ve poked around on our site, you know that we are VERY picky about who we hire. In the final stage of our 3-stage audition we fly each candidate to NY, even putting him or her up in a hotel (not the W or some other shmancy place, but DEFINITELY something with a door that locks and a bed with at least one pillow ). I bring this up because in this rather costly stage we reject over 90% of candidates — and that’s after the first and second stages, which have knocked out about 30 and 50 percent respectively of the folks who reach each of those (and all of that is after a resume filter eliminates a bunch). When you pay one of the highest salaries in the industry, you get to be choosy.
My point? We’re very excited to have found Matt Sherman, a seasoned pro. He even started his own successful LSAT prep company at one point — writing the books, curriculum, etc. He knows the LSAT like he knows the back of a grape. (Read his bio and you’ll get that reference.)
So, Southern California, prepare yourselves! We’re landing and we expect you to do some work. Look here to sign-up to see what Matt is all about: