The LSAT in 15 Tweets
1. #whereisthesun #Ibrokemypencilsharpener #dreamedaboutanaloguewatchescomingtolifeandbitingme
2. Do lawyers put colorful balls in buckets in 8 min increments? #justcurious
3. Told my BF all the assumptions in his argument. He said assuming makes an ass of u and me. I said that has assumptions too #whatsbecomeofme
4. Don’t use webMD while studying for the LSAT. #hives #cancerorjustanxiety?
5. The individuals who construct standardized tests are called psychometricians. The psycho part fits.
6. My life has come down to a test that makes me crazy. #notmymarriage
7. Is it too late to be a doctor?
8. Dear Friends: I miss you. #waitforme #onedaywillhavealifeagain
9. I now read and respond to emails in 1 minute, 20 seconds or am filled with shame. #LSATsymptoms
10. Maybe there are some good logic games tactics in this pint of mint chocolate chip?
11. “How’s studying going?” If I get asked it again I am going to break a non-mechanical pencil.
12. Which argument is parallel to the parallel zits on my upper lip due to stress? #cannot
13. Some people cry when they fall in love. I just did my first logic game without missing any and cried. #nerdlife
14. I wish I had a nickel for every time I have said “practice test” in the last 3 months.
15. Good morning everyone else up at 7am on Sat. to take the LSAT. Let’s do this y’all. #EXPERIMENTAL SECTION #PLEASEDONTBEREADINGCOMP
You’re Working Too Hard. Take a Break.

The Kitty Shuffle
I know I’m supposed to be blogging about the LSAT, but it’s Monday – you’ve just found yourself drooling on top of PT32 (that French and Russian Works game is tough!) and you’re feeling out of touch with the world. Let me help you put things into perspective.
Go and buy Dancing with Cats – my friends just gave it to me as a housewarming gift. Here’s an excerpt:
“Other cat dancers I’ve talked to on the Web use heavy metal, Techno, and World Beat. One guy says he uses Marley to build up such strong vibrational levels in just five minutes that they last for days. But you have to be careful; sometimes the energy is so powerful I worry about overstimulating my aura. At those levels, an unstable etheric oscillation could collapse into an astral vortex and suck my spiritual reserves into a state of negative sub-matter.”
Yes, indeed. Here are some other great pics of people who dance with cats. Take a break, grab a kitty for a twirl to some Marley – but be careful…