Top 6 LSAT Logic Games Tips
The mention of Logic Games is enough to keep many a law school hopeful up at night, which is why we’re giving you some LSAT Logic Games tips. Maybe your humanities classes taught you to blaze through dense reading and your social science classes taught you to argue your way out of any situation. But figuring out which birds go in the forest, or what color the lambdasaur should be? Either I was out sick that day, or that stuff wasn’t covered. Read more
What’s Tested on LSAT Logic Games
One of the most challenging things about LSAT Logic Games, formally known as the LSAT Analytical Reasoning Section, is that it tests skills that are totally foreign to most college curriculums. By the time we reach the LSAT-preparation stage of our lives, many of us haven’t done a puzzle in well over a decade. And yet here they are: four little puzzles standing between you and your law school dreams. Why are they there? What relevance could they possibly have to a career in law? Read more
LSAT Logic Games: Get Your Priorities Straight
Ready to study the right way? We incorporate the latest discoveries in learning science into our LSAT course to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your prep. Want to see? Try the first session of any of our upcoming courses for free.
It’d be great if on each logic game you made every inference upfront, built some fantastic frames, and had all the answers already drawn into your diagram before you even started the questions.
But it’s not going to happen. Read more
You Derive Me Crazy: Inference Gut Check (LSAT Logic Games Series)
No matter how good you get at Logic Games, finding those difficult inferences will always be a challenge! In our “You Derive Me Crazy” blog series, we’ll take a look at some of the higher-level inferences that repeat on the LSAT, ensuring that you have all the tools necessary to tackle anything the LSAT throws at you on test day.
Let’s talk about something that we haven’t really brought up before in this crazy, Britney Spears-inspired blog series:
Read more
You Derive Me Crazy: Numerical Distributions (LSAT Logic Games Series)
No matter how good you get at Logic Games, finding those difficult inferences will always be a challenge! In our “You Derive Me Crazy” blog series, we’ll take a look at some of the higher-level inferences that repeat on the LSAT, ensuring that you have all the tools necessary to tackle anything the LSAT throws at you on test day
Numbers – if you felt comfortable with them, you’d be taking the GMAT!
I kid. But many of my students do have an aversion to numbers that comes from years of focusing on non-mathematical topics in their undergrad studies.
Unfortunately, some math will help you on certain logic games. Luckily, if you can add and subtract by one, you’re in good shape!
What am I talking about here? Read more
You Derive Me Crazy: 2×2 Inferences (LSAT Logic Games Series)
No matter how good you get at Logic Games, finding those difficult inferences will always be a challenge! In our “You Derive Me Crazy” blog series, we’ll take a look at some of the higher-level inferences that repeat on the LSAT, ensuring that you have all the tools necessary to tackle anything the LSAT throws at you on test day
Frames. Amirite?
We’ve discussed framing Ordering games and Grouping games before, bringing up the rules that generally lead to these game-changing inferences (see what we did there?).
However, rules of thumb can only get you so far. The LSAT – especially in recent years – has started to buck trends, and has included things that seem to intentionally go against the traditions that have emerged on the exam throughout the years.
Let’s look at an example! Read more
You Derive Me Crazy: Framing Grouping Games
No matter how good you get at Logic Games, finding those difficult inferences will always be a challenge! In our “You Derive Me Crazy” blog series, we’ll take a look at some of the higher-level inferences that repeat on the LSAT, ensuring that you have all the tools necessary to tackle anything the LSAT throws at you on test day!
Some of the biggest inferences in Logic Games come in the form of frames — 2–3 skeletons that represent every possible way the game can work out. Here at Manhattan Prep, we have two questions that both need to be answered ‘yes’ before we consider frames: Read more
The LSAT and Weight Loss
I was reading an Atlantic Monthly article, “Beating Obesity” by Marc Ambinder. Even in the overly air-conditioned doctor’s waiting room, I couldn’t help but raise an LSAT eyebrow at one claim:
“[A] Stigma [against overweight people] might be more bearable…if diet and exercise, the most prescribed solutions to obesity, worked. But they don’t. Qualification, if you eat less and exercise more, you’ll lose weight. But the chances that you’ll stick with that regimen are slim, and the chances that you’ll regain the weight, and then some, are quite high.”
First of all, how frustrating! Diet and exercise don’t work? Perhaps that’s good because going to the gym and dieting both suck. But then, this requires a bit of thought: Ambinder states that eating less and exercising more DOES work! So, there’s a bit of a disconnect here. It must be that Ambinder’s point is that diet and exercise would work, if people did them. Really, he should have written: “Prescribing diet and exercise doesn’t tend to work.” Read more