Week Before LSAT Tips

Early Versions of the Reading Comprehension Section of the LSAT
The LSAT is less than a week away and people are often asking for final tips about test day. Here’s my best of:
1. Easy does it (sort of). Don’t take any full prep tests within the last two days. The brain is a muscle, let it rest. But, you do need to keep it toned. So take a few timed sections each day and review a bunch of the work you’ve already done. The day before the LSAT re-do sections you have already completed and on the morning of, redo one easy logic game on your way to the test center to get your brain moving.
Caveat: if you know you’ll do better with momentum, go right ahead and get momentumming– go crazy the week before the LSAT. Some people like to do a six-section LSAT a week before test day to make 5 sections seem easy.
2. Pack-up the night before. Get all your pencils sharpened, print out the ticket (and make sure your printer doesn’t cut off any part of it), make sure you have a passport-sized picture, and find that analog watch your dad gave you years ago. Make sure you know how to get to your testing center – there’s nothing worse than freaking out on your way to the test. Plan to arrive early and to enjoy a coffee outside while you do a warm-up section, a crossword puzzle, or something that is fun and slightly intellectual. Read more
Final LSAT Tips
I thought I would add one more tip to a previous posting full of tips for those about to go and take the LSAT: //www.atlaslsat.com/lsat/blog/index.php/2009/06/03/final-lsat-tips/
Bring some light warm-up LSAT material with you to the testing center. I suggest bringing some tough questions that you completely mastered. Before you enter the testing center, just run through the questions one last time, toss the paper into the recycling bin and head to your room. Don’t bother checking your work. The reason to do this is that you don’t want to use the first section of the test as your warm-up. You want your logical thinking already moving when you start section 1. The brain is a muscle, so warm it up just like you would your legs.
And I stand behind my night-before-the-LSAT recommendation: Legally Blonde, 1 or 2.
Good luck!