Pitch Meetings – An Atlas LSAT Logic Game

Can You Make The Cut?
A screenwriter has pitch meetings with six producers – F, G, H, I, J, and K – over the course of a day. He will meet with each producer once, and one at a time. The following conditions apply:
* The screenwriter will meet with K before G if he meets with F before J.
* The screenwriter will meet with G before H only if he meets with I before J.
* The screenwriter will meet with F before I if, and only if, he meets with F after J.
* The screenwriter cannot meet with G last.
1. Which of the following could be the order of meetings?
(A) H, J, G, F, I, K
(B) I, H, F, J, K, G
(C) G, H, J, F, I, K
(D) H, G, J, I, K, F
(E) I, G, F, K, J, H
2. Each of the following could be true except:
(A) J is first.r
(B) J is last.
(C) I is first.
(D) I is last.
(E) G is first.
3. If the screenwriter meets with I second, it must be true that…
(A) K is first.
(B) G is third.
(C) He meets with either F or G third.
(D) He meets with either J or H last.
(E) He meets with G before he meets with H.
4. If the screenwriter meets with K first and H last, how many different ways can the meetings be arranged?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 6
(E) 8
5. If the screenwriter meets with K fifth, it must be false that…
(A) G is before F.
(B) G is before H.
(C) G is before J.
(D) H is before J.
(E) H is before F.
6. Which of the following pairs of assignments would completely determine the order of meetings?
(A) J is first, and K is last.
(B) J is first, and H is second.
(C) F is third, and H is fourth.
(D) G is second, H is third.
(E) H is fifth, and J is last.
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