LSAT Inspiration from Manhattan LSAT Students.. Via Haiku


WordsIn the last session of my spring course this week, I asked (pressured?) my students to author inspirational LSAT poetry. Wooed with promises of drinks for the winner (oh yeah, it was a contest), they submitted the following. Since it has been months since I blogged my own original LSAT haiku, the time is ripe to present haiku once again. This time, they come from my students. Enjoy!

Games make my head hurt;
I don’t care who won the race;
All losers to me.

Help me find the flaw!
We can make inferences!
Bang head into wall!

Don’t fear the LSAT.
I won’t do poorly, okay?
You will look better.

Same film like three times?
Open assignment be damned.
This club is BS.*

*The author wishes to clarify that this haiku was in reference to a game on an old prep test in which members of a film club watch the same movie repeatedly. Familiar to anyone else?

Share you own LSAT haiku in the comments!