Links Roundup: Extracurriculars, Lawyer Salaries, New ABA Report, and More!

Happy Fourth of July!
Relax and enjoy your Friday with some of this week’s top law and LSAT links!
How to Handle Extracurriculars on Law School Applications (U.S. News Education)
Putting together your law school applications? U.S. News Education has some great admissions advice for how to present your extracurricular activities.
ABA: Law Schools Getting the Message on Practical Skills (The National Law Journal)
According to the ABA’s latest empirical survey, law schools are increasing so-called practical skills courses: clinics, simulations, and externships.
If You Want to Work In-House With a Quant Fund, You Better Have a Booming LSAT Score (Above the Law)
Your LSAT score could be looked at by more than just law school admissions officers. If you plan to work somewhere such as a well-respected hedge fund, don’t be surprised if your future employer asks for your LSAT score.
15 Mind-Blowing Salaries Pulled In By Corporate America’s Top Lawyers (Business Insider)
Getting a law degree can really pay off! Check out these unbelievable salaries pulled in by general counsels of big companies.
4th Of July Fireworks Photos 2012: United States Marks Independence Day by Lighting Up The Sky (Huffington Post)
In spirit of the 4th of July holiday, we have included a link to some amazing photos of fireworks and celebrations that took place all over the country this past Wednesday!