It’s Almost Time: Register For Our Upcoming LSAT CrunchTime Workshops Now!


Manhattan Prep LSAT Blog - It's Almost Time: Register for Our Upcoming LSAT CrunchTime Workshops Now! by Manhattan Prep

The February 2017 LSAT is on the 4th. It’s officially CrunchTime. But don’t be (too) nervous; we’re hosting three LSAT CrunchTime workshops in January! Whether you want to brush up on a certain section of the LSAT or need guidance on all of them, we’re here to make sure you’ll feel ready to tackle the test when it’s time.

When you already know the basics but want that extra study boost to head into test day with confidence, CrunchTime provides the support and instruction you need. You’ll have access to two of our world class instructors, who can provide advice and answer all the questions you might have before the test. Matt Shinners, who will be one of your CrunchTime instructors, calls it “a capstone to prep that will allow you to see how an expert approaches each question type.”

We offer CrunchTime workshops for each section of the test, where you’ll learn the best strategies to deal with any twist the LSAT can throw at you on test day. Want to know how to spend your last couple weeks in a way that will maximize your study process? We’ve got you covered.

We want to make sure the review is as comprehensive as possible, so you’ll be given:

  • A section-specific “cheat sheet” to enhance your last-minute studying
  • An outline of the effective ways to manage your time
  • An LSAT overview document, covering the basics of each exam section

If that sounds good to you, sign up for one of our CrunchTime workshops before time’s up:

See you there! ?

Did you know that you can attend the first session of any of our online or in-person LSAT classes absolutely free? We’re not kidding! Check out our upcoming courses here.