Friday Links: 1L Problems, Diversity at Law Schools, Pro Bono Proposal, and More


Take a break from your LSAT prep work and check out some of this week’s lop legal and law school-related stories. Happy reading!

Law Schools Are Upset About New York’s Proposal That Lawyers Put In Time Working For Free (Business Insider Law & Order)

Law school deans around the country are voicing concern about the pro bono work proposal for new law grads. Many fear such a mandate will place a financial burden on law schools to provide training if they hope to have their grads land jobs in New York.

“I Hate My Classmates” and Other First-Week Problems (The Girl’s Guide To Law School)

Heading to law school in the fall? Here are some common problems you may encounter and some tips for how to deal.

Research Attests to the Value of Diversity at Law Schools (The National Law Journal)

A study titled, “Does Race Matter in Educational Diversity? A Legal and Empirical Analysis,” concludes that law students do benefit from racial diversity on campus and that law schools should work to maintain diverse classes.

20+ Percent of Fortune 500 GC are Female (The Careerist)

The Minority Corporate Counsel Association recently reported that female lawyers in corporations are making significant headway. Women now hold 21 percent of the top legal positions in Fortune 500 companies.

The Short on Long-Term Planning: Got Years Until the LSAT but Eager to Start Preparing? Take a Logic Course (jdMission)

Our friends at jdMission have some tips on how to make smart moves in the pre-law school application stage.

law school comic