Food for Thought This Thanksgiving


Just a little food for thought over this long holiday weekend:

The Commander in Chief does not have the authority to pardon poor LSAT score (we checked!)

So much has been written in the mainstream media this year about the decision to go to law school: is it a waste of time and money given the current state of the economy?  As I theorized recently, it seems that each time the economy goes in to the tank, the number of law school aspirants rises. I’m assuming the reasoning is something like this: why NOT avoid the increasingly difficult job market by spending time furthering one’s credentials?

While I could certainly poke holes in that logic all day, I thought this recent article that I came across on the jobs section of the AOL (yes, AOL still exists) website made an interesting case for why it is not a smart decision to go straight to law school from undergrad.

Here’s hoping that everyone enjoys their turkey, football, and time spent with family and friends – and may logic creep stay clear of your Thanksgiving table!