Beat the Heat: Tips for Staying Focused All Summer Long

“It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy.” This blissful lyric may ring true for some lucky folk, but for anyone gearing up for the October LSATand working tobalance a summer internship, a weekend job, and a social life, the summertime can be an extremely overwhelming and stressful time of year. As much as we love to embrace the warm weather, the shining sun, and the weekend festivities, it is undeniable that these distractions only dampen our focus and motivation to hit the books and master those daunting logic games.
What is also undeniable is the fact that the October LSAT is less than three months away, which means that it’s time to toss the excuses and start cracking down. To get you on track, we have compiled some useful tips to help you stay focused through the summer and up until test day.
Start Early: Personal trainers often tell their clients to hit the gym first thing in the morning so that there are no excuses to blow off working out later in the day. Take this advice and apply it to your studies. If you know that your energy dips in the afternoon or evening or that your group of friends likes to get together at night, schedule your study time early in the day.
It’s O.K. to Take the Day– Sometimes ambition can get the best of you. If you try to study every single day, you run the risk of burning out. Choose one or two days per week to put down the practice tests and to get out and catch some rays. Use this time to clear your head and reward yourself for all the hard work you’ve been doing.
Catch some Z’s– In order to get the most out of your study time, keeping a regular sleep schedule is crucial. While this is especially difficult in the summer, it is going to be impossible to concentrate if all you can think about is your next nap. If you know that you’re going to be out late one night, plan ahead and make the following day your skip day.
Make a Detailed Schedule– Take the time write down exactly what you need to study and when you are going to do it. Print out a blank calendar for each month and pencil in what needs to be accomplished each day. Having a visual and knowing that you need to stick to a rigid schedule will prevent you from straying from your prep. Need a self study plan? Shoot an email to and we’ll gladly provide a free one!
Power Off: In today’s world, it’s increasingly difficult to tear our eyes away from Smartphones, iPads, iPods, Kindles, Laptops, Tablets, and other procrastination powerhouses. But the wonderful thing about texts, tweets, and new facebook photos is that they will be waiting patiently for you in cyberspace whenever you return to your device. Before you sit down to study, do yourself a huge favor and power off ALL of your gadgets and place them somewhere out of sight (another room, a drawer, a closet, etc.).
Eyes on the Prize: When you feel yourself losing motivation to study for the LSAT, take a moment to remind yourself why you want to go law school. It may help to display some ‘lawspiration’ around your room like a photo of your dream law school’s campus, your future law office, or a reminder of all the positive change you are going to use your J.D. to enact. Keeping your goals and your future in the forefront of your mind will help you stay on task this summer.
Do you have any tips or tricks that help you stay focused during the warmer months? Leave us a comment or tweet @ManhattanLSAT!