Links Roundup: Admissions Essays, Scholarships, Fortune 500 CEO Law School Alums, and More
Check out some of the top law links from this week!
Undergrad Ponders Law School (Law School Podcaster)
Adam Goodman, a rising senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, documents his decision to go to law school and his progress through the law school admissions process.
Where the Fortune 500 CEOs Went to Law School (U.S. News Education)
Did you know that 46 chief executive officers listed on the 2012 Fortune 500 list hold J.D.’s? Find out where they attended law school.
Attention, Shoppers: Law School Bargains (The Careerist)
According to The Careerist, now may be the best time to snatch up a law school scholarship. With the decline in law school applicants nationwide during the past two years, many law schools have responded by accepting a larger percentage of applicants and sweetening their scholarship packages.
Use News to Customize Law School Essays (U.S. News Education)
In order to best customize your law school admissions essays, U.S. News recommends keeping up with the news from your top choice law schools. Check out the full article for links to recent news articles from top law schools.
Want to Be Content in Your Legal Career? Great Advice from Happy Go Legal ( The Girl’s Guide to Law School)
Chelsea Callanan from Happy Go Legal has some great advice for people concerned about the work-life balance, budgeting, networking, and overall happiness in the legal profession.
Off With His Head: Not Good Law
For all its flaws that arise in practice, and for all the valid criticism that can be wielded against it, the judicial system currently in place in America is one that—at least theoretically—places a premium on two fundamental ideas: (1) individuals are innocent unless proven otherwise, and (2) everyone, regardless of who he or she is, is entitled to this presumption.
These principles aren’t sufficient for a fair and balanced judicial system, but they sure are necessary.
This week, I visited the Conciergerie in Paris, which is a pretty grim building in France’s judicial history. It was a royal palace until, during the French Revolution, it became a prison where hundreds of people were housed before being carted off to the guillotine to be executed. Marie Antoinette was among them. The Revolutionary Tribunal also sat for a time in the building, which is jarringly small considering all that happened there. Read more
Could You Have Your June 2012 LSAT Score By This Time Next Week? It’s Possible.
As the month is coming to a close, anxiety levels are sure to be on the rise for those who took the June 2012 LSAT. If you turned to Mary’s advice for playing the waiting game, we hope that painting your apartment or manufacturing your own drama has brought you some relief. Here at Manhattan LSAT, we have invented our own waiting game, where the goal is to analyze previous trends to try to figure out which day the June scores will be released.
According to LSAC, the scheduled date for the release of the June 2012 LSAT scores is July 6, 2012. However, if we look at the score release dates from the last eight years, there is a possibility that you will know your score by this time next week! Read more
Friday LSAT and Law Links Roundup
Here are some of the top articles about the LSAT, law schools, and the legal profession from this week.
LSAC, ABA Step Up Oversight of Law School Student Data (The Wall Street Journal Law Blog)
The Law School Admission Council and the American Bar Association have agreed to increase oversight of the undergraduate grade-point averages and Law School Admission Test scores schools report for incoming classes.
The June LSAT is Over- Now What? (U.S. News Education)
Whether you canceled your June 2012 LSAT exam or you are anxiously awaiting the score-release date, U.S. News Education gives advice for what to as you look ahead to the next few months.
It’s Your Legal Career, Take Charge (Lawyerist)
Learn what you can do to get your law career going on the right track from the moment you graduate from law school.
Best Law Schools for Biglaw (Above the Law)
Above the Law says “if you want to get into Biglaw, it’s all about the Ivy.” Find out which law schools are best at sending their graduates to large law firms (aka Biglaw).
Is Law School Still a Golden Ticket? (Forbes)
Jessi Fred, a 0L, explains why she still believes that a law degree is her key to success.
LSAT Scores: The Waiting Game

Need to keep busy while you wait for your LSAT score? Why not paint your apartment!?
It’s late June, which means those of you who took the test earlier this month are “playing the waiting game,” as they say (the same people who use expressions like “have a case of the Mondays” and “TMI”). I wanted to write a post on how to wait when you’re impatient, so I googled “how to wait.” The tips that I found included suggestions like doing something you enjoy, and trying not to think about whatever it is you’re awaiting. I deserved these results, of course, for actually googling “how to wait.”
In the interest of sharing some ideas for dealing with impatience that aren’t patronizing and useless, here are a few activities that have worked for me in the past**.
1. Manufacture drama. Break up with someone! Go into debt! Adopt a cat and put it on Craigslist two weeks later! Creating drama can be an incredibly effective means of quelling impatience. The emotional trauma you will experience is guaranteed to be distracting, and your LSAT score will have arrived before you know it.
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Student Debt Relief: The Top 20 Law Schools with Debt Forgiveness Programs
There is no denying the fact that law school is dreadfully expensive and that after graduating from a four-year undergraduate college, the last thing any student wants to do is take out another daunting set of educational loans. In a recent interview with Bloomberg Law, Paul Campos, professor of law at University of Colorado at Boulder School of Law, explains in great detail how financially detrimental law school can be for some students.

Alleviate student debt with Loan Repayment Assistance Programs
Tacking law school loans on to those from undergraduate education has incurred an average educational debt of somewhere between $125,000 and $130,000. Campos goes on to tell Bloomberg Law that incoming 1Ls this September will graduate with around $150,000 of educational debt.
With such a low percentage of people acquiring jobs straight out of law school that justify these high debt levels, it is more important than ever to do your research and to understand why it is that you want to go to law school. These initial steps will help you make an informed decision about where you want go and how much you are willing to pay for your legal education.
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Links Roundup: June 2012 LSAT Score Release Dates, Summer Reading, and More
We found some great articles from the first half of June. Happy reading!
June 2012 LSAT Release Dates (LSAT BLOG)
Did you take the June 2012 LSAT this week? If so, we know you’re anxiously awaiting your score. The scores from the exam are to be released on July 6th but usually the scores are emailed earlier than scheduled. This post from LSAT BLOG provides trends in the score release date of the June exam from the past several years.
Best Books for Law School Students (Goodreads)
Summer is a great time to engage in some leisurely reading! Goodreads has compiled a list of the books that pre-law and law students should read.
Law School Innovators (The National Law Journal)
The National Law Journal published a special report that highlights a few law schools, students, and professors who are pushing the boundaries of traditional education and legal theory.
5 Tips for Parents of Law School Applicants (US News)
Applying to law school can be just as stressful for parents as it is for students. This week, US News offers advice to parents on how to support their child through the application process
Want to Save Money? Try Attending ‘Fast Track’ Law School Abroad (ABA Journal)
If you’re planning on going to law school but cringe at tuition prices, check out this article from ABA Journal that offers some information about attending a ‘fast track’ law school abroad.
Necessary v. Sufficient: The Flash Mob Example
My sister got married a month ago, and as the maid of honor, I saw it as my duty to do what any good maid of honor does: plan a flash mob for the reception.
I choreographed a routine to Maroon 5’s “Moves Like Jagger,” uploaded a humiliating instructional video onto YouTube (of yours truly doing the dance in my Brooklyn apartment), and spread the word (link). In the video, I say, “We want at least 40 people in the flash mob in order for it to look good. And if it has 50 or more, that’ll be amazing!” Read more
Making the Most of your Summer as a Law Student: Bloomberg Law’s Summer Associate Success Secrets

Experience life at the law firm through a summer associateship
Have you ever wondered what you’ll be up to during your summer vacations in law school? After a semester’s worth of reading, sleepless nights, and comprehensive final exams, it might sound preferable to relax on a beach with cold beer in one hand and a good book in the other. However, as a law student, your goal for these summers should involve landing a highly coveted position at a relevant law firm as a Summer Associate.
As a Summer Associate you will have the opportunity to network and establish relationships with a number of attorneys, produce writing samples, and leave with a solid set of references. If all goes well, your temporary office has the potential to become your place of full-time employment upon graduation.
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The LSAT Deconstructed – Free Review of June 2012 LSAT

The many faces of the June 2012 LSAT taker
Remember not so long ago when the LSAT didn’t dominate your life? Can you even fathom a time when you weren’t driving yourself insane studying for this crucial exam, which has been weighing on your back like a 3,000 pound primate – a primate that you hoped would have disappeared yesterday after the final bubble sheet was filled in?
Unfortunately, in the now-very-real aftermath of the exam, the new weight of the results that are still weeks away make the 3,000 pound LSAT study gorilla seem weightless in comparison.
While there is no way to make the waiting any easier, there is a definitely something that all June 2012 LSAT test takers ought to do: sign up for our Free Live Online Review of the June 2012 LSAT, being held Live Online on Wednesday, July 11th at 8:00pm EST.
Taught by Manhattan LSAT co-founder and curriculum developer Noah Teitelbaum, this review session will deconstruct some of the more difficult questions from the exam, and will strive to address the ever pesky dilemma of whether or not to retake the LSAT.