LSAT Prep in Boulder and Denver!
We’re going hiking, folks! It’s time to bring some order to the hills of Colorado, and since we don’t have badges or guns, we’ll bring logic. It’s unorthodox, but it doesn’t require special equipment, like chaps.
Noah, our Managing Director, has moved to Denver to escape the NYC summer heat, subject himself to 300+ days of sunshine, and live out his dream of actually needing a 4-wheel drive vehicle. He’s still leading the MLSAT charge and he’s about to start up classes in Boulder. So, for all of you college kids who decided to go to school up there for the skiing but now realize you’d rather not work a chair lift after graduation, head to the first session of the Fall class.
Manhattan LSAT Student Spotlight: Adam S.
At Manhattan LSAT, teaching is what we do. We’re passionate about helping our students reach their LSAT goals, because at the end of the day, that’s what it is all about: our students. With that in mind, we are happy to debut a new ongoing segment of our blog: The Manhattan LSAT Student Spotlight. Every so often we will conduct a live interview with one of our alumni in order to share their experiences with current students. Their insights on law school, LSAT prep, and life in the field of law can serve as valuable advice for many of you.
Our first alumni interview is with Adam S., soon to be a 2L at Georgetown University. Adam made time for a phone call with us a few weeks ago:
M LSAT: What is your educational and career background?
AS: I went to NYU and I was a philosophy major. I graduated in 2007. I went to public school before that in Maryland.
M LSAT: How did you come to choose a career in law? Did you choose your Philosophy major with that in mind?
AS: I didn’t have any inclination first of all when I came to college. I just simply didn’t know what I wanted to do for a year. I was undeclared when I came in and I decided on philosophy after taking a philosophy class that I liked a lot. Sort of the word among philosophy students is law school the reason why you do what you did. I think I got the idea from that, from hearing what other philosophy majors were saying. I did a substantial amount of research myself. I spoke with as many people as I could about the practice of law, about law school itself. I spoke with people who are lawyers now, people who are in law school now, people who are no longer lawyers because they didn’t like it. Ultimately I thought it would be the right thing for me. Read more
Study By Yourself, With Us
A national epidemic occurs every summer. Perfectly well-adjusted and social people become hermitically-sealed misfits as they prepare for the LSAT. Do you know someone who is suffering from this? Symptoms include, but are not limited to loss of friends, demise of love life, lowering of standards of hygiene, mis-categorization of sharpening fifteen #2 pencils as “a fun night.”
If you have a–cough, cough–friend, who is suffering from sololsatlifeitis, we can help. Have your friend join us every Tuesday night (6-8pm ET) for our online self-study group. There you’ll find like-minded geeks who are restoring their link to the human race while inching towards a 170+ score.
If you’d like to join, here are the rules:
1) You have to be using Manhattan LSAT books (we have other groups that are more free-spirited, but this group is trying to avoid wasting time navigating through multiple approaches)
2) Do the assigned HW and be prepared to discuss it.
3) Show up. One of our teachers generally will do so as well to help.
4) Do NOT talk about fight club. [Editors Note: Shouldn’t this be Rule #1?]
If you–I mean your friend–wants to join, create an account on our site if that hasn’t already occurred, e-mail and get ready to rumble. (Yes, it’s free.)
Please join us as we work to end the suffering of tens of thousands of young American LSAT-geeks.
One of the Hardest LSAT Questions – @!#$%@# Dioxin!

Like snowflakes of intellectual pain, the hardest LSAT question is different for each and every one of us – it’s up to us to look into our hearts and find the question that is burning a hole through an artery. For me, that was PT45, S1, Q12 – the dioxin question. Oh how we fought, oh how we struggled!
Let me walk you through our relationship.
The conclusion of the argument is that, as opposed to what most people are thinking, dioxin released from a mill does NOT cause fish to have abnormal hormone levels. Why? Two premises are given to support this – and here’s where we had our first fight L: dioxin decomposes quite slowly and when the mill shuts down, the fishy hormone levels quickly return to normal.
At this point, me and question 12 were still on speaking terms, but when I looked at her answer choices, oh the pain! The correct answer – the one that most weakens the argument – states that dioxin actually is washed away pretty quickly from the mill area. Sounds painless enough – until you think about it! How does that weaken that argument? I was lost. Read more
Jazz and the LSAT
The Law School Admissions Test and jazz. What do the two have in common? Gilad Edelman.
We all knew that Gilad can teach – he’s funny and wickedly smart. But last week, Gilad blew us away by revealing his other talent: the sax. It was dark, it was smoky (well, not really, NYC banned cigarettes – you now have to go to Jersey to smoke), and it was awesome. As one of Gilad’s true fans, I was super excited to see that he can play like a champion, because it’d be really lame for Gilad to try to impress the ladies with his perfect LSAT score. (Remember that initial scene in The Social Network?).
Watch him play and then sign up for his course.
If you want to see me seriously mangle some Bob Dylan tune on the guitar, please privately e-mail me. J
LSAT PrepTests: How Much is Too Much?
We have exciting news: Manhattan LSAT students now have access to all 63 LSAT PrepTests. Woo-hoo!

What Lucy failed to realize was that the rubik's cube section of the LSAT was experimental
Now that you’ve dried your tears of joy, let’s back up and talk about obsession. If you have OCD-like tendencies, the LSAT is the test for you. Not only is it one of the nit-pickiest tests out there, but the tests are also conveniently numbered and published after each administration. Except – and oh, how we love exceptions – the February exams. So, we now have 63 published LSATs floating about in the world, along with a bunch of odds and ends the LSAC put out. (Here’s a full list.)
Now the question is, should you do all 63 PrepTests? Read more
Review the June LSAT, Retake in October?

There's got to be a better way to decide whether or not to retake the LSAT
If you took the LSAT on June 6th and were less than pleased with the outcome, then consider attending our free online review of the exam next Monday night (7/11) at 8pm EST. Two of our instructors will be breaking down some of the harder questions from the exam and offering advice on whether or not retaking in October is a good choice for you.
Speaking of ‘the great retake debate’, here are a few questions you should ask yourself as you begin to make your retake considerations: