Official LSAT Score Release Dates vs. Actual Release
So, you’ve taken the big, bad LSAT. Squealed all the way home. Had a few too many beers to celebrate, but now the long, great waiting thaw sets in. Each morning you wake up hoping to receive an email from Law School Admissions Council (the folks who produce and manage the LSAT) about your scores. The following question appears both in your awake hours and nightmares: When will I find out my LSAT Score??
LSAC generally release LSAT score reports about 3 weeks after the LSAT test date. However, in actuality, LSAT scores historically have been released before the scheduled release date. In the last 5 years, LSAT scores have been released anywhere from 2 to 13 days before the scheduled LSAT Release Date. Much speculation exists about why LSAT score reports are released when they are, but the only thing for certain is that they will be released early!
Here are some interesting observations we noticed while putting together this data:
- LSAT Scores are actually released on average 4.6 days before the Scheduled Release Date!
- The largest gap between Scheduled and Actual Release dates is on the December LSAT administration.
- If you exclude the December LSAT administration, LSAT Scores are actually released on average of 3.1 days before the Scheduled Release Date.
- For the past 5 years, the December LSAT score has been actually released before the New Year. (Happy Holidays everyone??)
So just how early have LSAT scores been released before their Official LSAT Score Release Date? We’ve done the leg work for you. Visit: //
Law School Rankings – US News 2010 Rankings are Up! (We don’t want to care, but we do.)
Many schools enter, but only one makes it to the top
It’s that time of year again, when all the hard work that law schools do gets acknowledged, along with the work their students put in before they were ever accepted. The US News and World Report 2010 Law School Rankings are up for your review!
What is all of that hard work that schools and their students do? If you’re an LSAT student (aspirant?), you might think it’s all about you, your LSAT score and your GPA. It turns out that we in the LSAT game are not the center of the universe! LSAT scores and GPAs, while perhaps representing 90% of how a law school measures its applicants, are only 25% of how US News measures a law school.
Here’s what US News look at and how important each factor is to a school’s overall ranking: Read more
Powerscore Bibles vs. Atlas LSAT
Only the flexible will survive
We’re getting a lot of questions like this: “I’ve already read the Powerscore Bibles and I’m worried that it’ll be confusing if I now read the Atlas books,” so I figured I’d address this here so that we can send folks to read this if they have that same question.
First the bad news: if you’re about 2 weeks from the LSAT, don’t try to add on our books to what you’ve learned. We love to have people use our books and self-study courses, but at that point in the studying process, you should be solidifying what you’ve already learned, not adding on more.
Now, the good news: If you have more time than that, those students who have previously read the Powerscore Bibles – we call them “refugees” – reported that 1) they found our books to be helpful and generally more useful, and 2) they were able to resolve the differences in the two approaches. Read more
If you’re losing hope and the LSAT seems to be winning
I wish I had a brother like this (and now I see that anyone can sing with the use of computers!)
The June 2010 LSAT – Is it Too Late To Begin Studying?
Definitely not. Now that all of the follies of April Fool’s has quieted down, it’s time to get focused on the June LSAT.
If you’ve only bought an LSAT book thus far and sorta-kinda-maybe took one official practice LSAT exam (with a teeeeeny, quick Facebook session thrown in — Admit it. You know you did.), it really isn’t too late.
You’ve got almost 2 months left. It won’t be easy to learn all there is to know about the LSAT, but if you are mentally committed, you can still do well. The June administration is one of the most popular dates because most students figure that if they don’t do well, they can re-take the LSAT in September.
We’ve got an intense NYC 3-Weekend LSAT Bootcamp beginning May 8th and a Live Online LSAT Course beginning on April 24th. These courses are comprehensive and will structure your studies from now until the June exam. Both courses are taught by our awesome 99th percentile teachers and feature our flexible, 170+ focused curriculum and strategy guides with 28 Practice LSATs. If courses aren’t your style, our Self-Study options fit most students needs.
For upcoming course schedules in your area, select your location on the map: Find me an LSAT Course!
Good luck!