Josh Yardley

Boston, MA


  • MIT
  • Harvard Kennedy School, MPA/ID Harvard University, Ph.D.

Over the past two decades, Josh has worked with students, teachers, and school administrators in over a dozen countries on three continents. He has earned degrees in computer science and management from MIT and a Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard. He has a 790 GMAT score.

As a volunteer with the U.S. Peace Corps, Josh spent two years teaching math in the village of Bomborokuy, Burkina Faso in West Africa. The initial shock of living without electricity or running water faded quickly as Josh became a part of his village community and began to witness first-hand the awesome transformative power of education.

Inspired by his students and colleagues in that village school, Josh went on to do work in education reform and program evaluation for a research organization in Ghana, the U.S. government in Pakistan, and the World Bank in Washington, D.C. He’s taught courses as an adjunct lecturer at Brown University in program evaluation and as a teaching fellow at Harvard University in quantitative methods, program evaluation, and policy analysis. He has developed online courses in microeconomics for MIT and in evidence-based policymaking for Harvard.

Josh and his wife live out in the Boston suburbs with their dog, Kofi, and their son, Dev, who managed to attend two different Boston sports championship parades before turning two years old.