Joe Martin

Minneapolis, MN


  • Colgate University

Joe, an astrophysicist and geographer, is truly an expert in the content of standardized tests. He joined Manhattan Prep in 2011, teaching the GMAT, LSAT, and GRE, developing our interactive instructional videos, and working as an Instructor Manager.

Joe honed his teaching skills from a young age with his first formal teaching experience as a teenager in Michigan, where he worked as a mentor for young students in Detroit.

He later left Michigan for Colgate University, braving a future that would certainly be rife with toothpaste jokes. As an astrophysics major, he still found time to teach, spending all four years at Colgate leading physics and astronomy homework sessions for non-majors. As word of his ability to simplify seemingly-complex concepts spread, students began attending the sessions en masse.

Joe graduated with honors and, with geography the most logical next step after an astrophysics degree, he received a research fellowship to work on eradicating Tsetse flies and sleeping sickness in Kenya. His passion for teaching shone through though, and Joe continued to teach classes and tutor students on a variety of topics.

When he’s not at Manhattan Prep, Joe is a real live dryly-humored Midwesterner. He has cycled across America solo, and coached rugby professionally.

What students are saying

“Joe was very personable and able to eloquently explain the reasoning for even the most complex questions. He always made himself available to help even when he was not in class. He is probably the best instructor I’ve ever had.”

What students are saying

“Joe has a knack for explaining difficult concepts in simple terms. He’s naturally brilliant. Additionally, he’s patient, has a good sense of humor, and is always encouraging and supportive. 10 stars for Joe!”

What students are saying

“Great teacher. I learned so much from his class because of his ability to explain things in a multitude of ways so every type of learner can grasp a concept. Also, he was very engaging, which made every minute of the class a learning experience!”